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    • I just set up a monthly donation to Constitutional Rights Centre. Will be putting any resources I can spare into direct fights for freedom. 

      • Thank you so much!

        • I didn’t watch, but her credentials reek of The Establishment & what that entails. If she hasn’t repented some of these associations like Dillon Reed, Bush Admin, it’s a long walk off a short pier. 

          • 1
          • She did good works when she was in government, and paid the price for having integrity. If you watch and listen, you will get a better idea of her position. 

            • 2
          • I thought it was fascinating until I figured out they were all new agers and not Christians. It makes me a little sceptical about everything else they are sharing…

            • 1
            • As Trump would say, that’s Uge!

            • This 'spiritual war' does not need to be of one energy stream, (perhaps christian) as in the 1 hour mark with KAF sharing her personal experience. I feel the exact same way, and my energetic power and strength comes from the inquiry of and recognition of; 'not two'..that there is one magnificient expression of creation and nature, aliveness, life-force and this is the reality of all and is the connection. It needs NO religious organization whatsoever. It is 'this'.

              • I did watch it last night and great info. 

                • These three should have a title in front of their names like; The Honorable, General...or the like! They are amazing 'generals' for this information-war and  for the people!

                  • 1
                  • I would like Bill Gates and the other high mucka mucks have their bank accounts emptied and equally donated to all small businesses that had to close.  Then also pay every person who lost their job a cut from the vaccine fund.  And let's not forget Nuremburg consequences applied to these Tyrants killing and controlling everyone.

                    • 1
                    • I would like to see our leaders being charged with crimes against humanity 

                      And a stop being put immediately against those vaccine passports and the discrimination against people 

                      • 2
                      • Do u have a link for this video? 

                        • There is an addictive narcotic in the so called vaccine compromising our ability to resist the dictatorship. Equal to the British feeding opium to the Chinese causing the Boxer Rebelion.  

                          • Very possible.