Israel Assassinates Palestinian Resistance Fighters in the West Bank

- Israel Assassinates Palestinian Resistance Fighters in the West Bank

This is the ongoing brutality of a criminal conspiratorial terrorist NAZI regime that gets away with mass murders and criminal acts daily protected by the USA! Zionism is NAZISM, always has been...they are not true God worshipping Jews, they are the children of the devil. Read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and John 8:44


Aug 10, 2022

To Richard...Cold blooded, ruthless psychopathic, egotistical arrogant mass murderers. Zionism glory days are coming to an end soon. They can lie and continue to conspire until the cows come home. Accountability is coming...they will face judgment for their many sickening and horrific brutal crimes. They even have the gall and balls chutzpa to threaten the ICC International Criminal Court. Sick demons...get better soon Richard. God bless your bravery and courage my friend. Love from Canada.


Israel Assassinates Palestinian Resistance Fighters in the West Bank

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#RichardMedhurst #gazaunderattack #gaza - Israel Assassinates Palestinian Resistance Fighters in the West Bank

This is the ongoing brutality of a criminal conspiratorial terrorist NAZI regime that gets away with mass murders and criminal acts daily protected by the USA! Zionism is NAZISM, always has been...they are not true God worshipping Jews, they are the children of the devil. Read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 and John 8:44


Aug 10, 2022

To Richard...Cold blooded, ruthless psychopathic, egotistical arrogant mass murderers. Zionism glory days are coming to an end soon. They can lie and continue to conspire until the cows come home. Accountability is coming...they will face judgment for their many sickening and horrific brutal crimes. They even have the gall and balls chutzpa to threaten the ICC International Criminal Court. Sick demons...get better soon Richard. God bless your bravery and courage my friend. Love from Canada.

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