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    • My fear is that despite excellent presentations such as this, we are no further forward in saving ourselves from the horrific world massacre that is well underway. The tyrants in control of this are not deterred. Even now they are probably going to achieve absolute world control by creating a Dictatorship of the WHO.

      It's not just the 'vaccine'. That has achieved the release of the self assembling graphene nanobots in the 'vaccine' which then were transferred to non-'vaccinated' people by shedding. The creation of the 'internet of bodies' and Gates' harvest of data from the human bodies as his patents explain, is already underway and already reaping dividends via the computer terminal in Israel. The aims of the Despots running the New World Order are manyfold. The reduction of the population is well underway. The lies about climate change enable further control over us.

      We must see all these techniques they are using to crush us as simply the assaults of a very dangerous enemy in a so far one-sided war. We have to come together, no matter what our small differences might be, we need to form our own united army or our survival, the survival of the human race, will not be possible. Things are already at a stage when humanity as we knew it has been seriously changed. The shots, probably by the graphene nanobots have changed our DNA. The effect on the next generation is unknown. We have observed changes in the personalities of many people who had the 'vaccines', possibly by minor brain damage due to mini losses of oxygen due to the blood being affected by the shot.

      There is no hope for the world unless we begin to resist every move they make and more than this, we have to actively fight them. We have to show them their actions are criminal. They must face criminal charges. If the current law systems are complicit with this monstrous crime, they too must face charges. Everybody who has been involved in enforcing any part of all this murderous system must be locked up instantly. Just as they suddenly tricked us, we need a day when we act as one to arrest and lock them up. We have to start organising this. Beware of infiltrators and spies, we need to act like the underground resistance of WW2.

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      • It happened to me. I was exhausted. I saw him the evening before. He seemed OK except he was hanging on at the door, not leaving, which was not unusual, and I had to tell him I was really tired so he went home. The next day I got back exhausted so I just messaged him saying I'd be seeing him after I'd had time to relax and eat. I sat down and fell asleep without drinking my tea. It was later than I intended when I woke up. I phoned and he did not answer, I tried many times and sent texts too. Then I thought he might have gone to a meeting which ended at 10.00 so I left in time to see him when he returned,

        That's when I found him. He had done it earlier because rigor was full and it looked like a horror film, like he was trying to grab me while yelling out at me. He used to think it was funny to frighten me and for a split second I thought that was what he was doing. But I couldn't stop this horrendous primeval roar of fear screaming up from my stomach. I couldn't speak on the phone, I was trying hard but it was so difficult. The woman wanted me to do heart massage on him! He was stuck in the bath in a kind of curled up sitting position with his arms and legs drawn up but she kept shouting at me to go and do heart resuscitation.

        It was my introduction to the New World Order of callous Dictatorship and horror.

        • My Daughter had a baby living inside of her and 3 months later there was no baby in her Womb. She had 2 Vaccines before she got pregnant. Where did my grandchild go? She already had a healthy 2 year old. 3 month old babies just don't disappear in a healthy mother's Womb. They should all go to jail and rightly so for the murder of so many people in this world. I am not Vaccinated and I would probably be dead too had I let all the Dr's who tried to talk me into getting Vaccinated had succeeded in brainwashing me.

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          • I'm so sorry Lori. Sorry for you and your dear Daughter. These people are the most horrendous evil criminals with no feelings at all for the sufferings of humans. They truly are evil. We have to seek them out and lock them up.

            I pray that you and your family have a good life together and are given strength to fight this evil. God bless you.

          • Forgiven, but never ever FORGOTTEN

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            • Thank you to everyone involved in or in the creation of this documentary. Hopefully it will help others and create a much need awareness. Living through the past 2.5 years, it feels like I am in a bad CBC movie and cannot yell CUT!

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              • THANK YOU, Mr. Todd Michael Harris, Matador Films, Librti and Vaccine Choice Canada for your tremendous efforts! It’s not an easy fight.

                This documentary is so important it cannot be reserved for english speakers only.

                So I translated and uploaded the mandarin versionγ€ŠδΈηŸ₯ζƒ…εŒζ„γ€‹(Uninformed Consent) to my odysee channel - the only platform allow me to do that:

                Teaser -

                Part 1 -

                Part 2 -

                Please share - Our future depends on it!

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                • we had a guest on Tuesday would would benefit from this. Thank you so much for your efforts.

                • Oh yeah our ABC HEALTH who say, " if your children are scared of needles just give them sugar "?


                  Nice funding Tanya Plibersek (no jab no job ? - HER YEAR'S OF TRANS-AGENDA NOW OUR ENVIRONMENT MINISTER ?

                  - Daniel Andrews Puffing Billy ? IF HE IS RE-ELECTED IN MELBOURNE - LIKE BIDEN WE THEN WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THE RIGG As for all the tax paid narcissist ABC jerk off Journos who report on child abuse in the public everyday , but never talk about where it stems from, so before they remove the net 2025 to fully escape with the drug cash $$$$ lets keep this down on paper .......

                  LIFT THE PEDOPHILE SUPPRESSION ORDER 5 MILLION SIGNATURES- On December 15, 2017, the Royal Commission into Institutional responses to Child Abuse presented its final report detailing the culmination of the 5 year enquiry. Senator Bill Heffernan produced a police document listing the names of 28 VIP pedophiles which had been signed off by Mr Gary Crooke QC , counsel assisting an earlier Royal Commission.

                  Senator Bill Heffernan asserted that this list of names had been seen by every Attorney General from Philip Ruddock until this present day in 2015 and these ARE

                  Phillip Ruddock - Liberal Party - Australia 2003-2007.

                  Robert McClelland Australian Labor Party 2007-2011

                  Nicola Roxan Australian Labor Party 2011-2013

                  Mark Dreyfus QC Australian Labor Party

                  We must DEFUND THE ABC .

                  It is time to call out the lying journalist's , killing our family's by no ends of abuse, FORCED JAB - NO JAB NO JOB _ IS RAPE -

                  Maybe we could just depopulate 'liars' to save our children , and save humans.

                  Kids for Cash - doco

                  War on kids 2009.-doco

                  Judas Collar - 15 min , mind blowing film.

                  IT IS TIME TO WHISTLE BLOW NOW- and hope people stand "united".

                  • As any informed warrior would expect, posting this brilliant video got me 30 days on fb

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                    • I was blocked every 29 days for 7 years-started with Jacinda Adern, when I was living in NZ and I questioned why she was putting homeless in Motels - I hope I live to see Nuremberg 2 - and all the investors who have killed us financially , oh wow so much Suicide- Time to depopulate Liars -Lies lead o War

                    • sad - come what may - every- Banker, Journalist, Politician, Lying Quack, Artist, Musician, VicSymphony YUK - any one who made money off Masks we know who you are ETC - who Sold out Humanity and Child, are War Crime listed and it is SET IN STONE - there is no turning back now - BRAVE NEW WORLD-

                      • I am a 42-year female who prior to the following was physically fit and healthy. I have always been active, ran in a marathon a few years ago and eat a healthy diet. When I went to get my forced vaccine to keep my job as an RN, I wrote on the consent form that I don't consent - that it's forced, and I don't agree and was given the jab anyway! I received 2 "vaccines" and ended up quitting my job. I have since had covid - after receiving the "vaccine" - which was not too bad but since that time (December/21) I have been sick with GI issues, no appetite, nausea and vomiting (not so bad now), lost 54lbs unintentionally, have sharp unexplainable chest pains and heart palpitations, random profuse sweating so I need to shower and change outfits multiple times to get through the day. In March, my Dr. said it is postviral gastroparesis from covid and referred me to a gastroenterologist specialist for followup - my appointment is in 3 days (November). In the meantime, I've had blood work and holter monitor with apparently no abnormal results. I feel that it is more to do with the vaccine then aftereffects of covid but does anyone really know or ever going to find out!? I'm expecting to be told that I have some medical illness that has nothing to do with the vaccine and will probably get encouraged to take more doses of the vaccine and I will lose it. Anyone else out there going through anything similar?

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                        • fuk em - speak up - so good xxx

                        • great to see Dr Charles Hoffe featured in this documentary, i have bookmarked a video of him speaking at length about how Canada health authority treated him for asking logical questions after witnessing serious injurys from vaccination in his patients. i have shared the video far and wide, i wish i ha a doctor like Dr Hoffe, who actually does what is best for his patients.

                          love from Scotland fellow anti vaxxers!

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                          • 249 views in the last 6 hours. I guess that's not that bad in a way. As long as these people share. That's what we really need to do. Perhaps one of those viewers was the OPP officer I gave the info to earlier today. The Police were next door due to a domestic dispute, so I took advantage of the situation, handing the young officer a note with the info needed to see this great documentary. Let's hope we can change minds, one mind at a time.But time is of the essence.

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                            • Number of views, or, what someone is showing us here on the screen, as of Oct 29th, 7:30 PM, 656,165. '''SUMTHING''' is not right here. And, very little discussion going on here. Cathy loves horses and trains, and writing books, is the most active person in this chat room, or whatever the hell it is. Sorry Cathy, I don't at all mean to be rude, but I'm not here to be nice. I'm here to figure out just what the "Ultimate Reality" is. Still scratchin' my head. Starting to suspect that this "conspiracy" is far worse than my wildest nightmare. However, that may be what "they" want me to think, in order to scare me off. Ain't happening. Keep it up though.

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                              • Dear John,

                                I don't get offended, only by genocide or child mutilation , thing like Kakadu cullings, have you see that 15 mins - from Western Australia- and as hard as it is, that Doco Spare Parts, where they abort or live pimp children, chop them into liittle peices, too many people , never enough chiildren to fuk - in the name of SCIENCE AND HEALTH _ OH GREED < and there is no time to fear. Fortune favours the brave, and Dirty Money runs out of luck - we are about to print 1,000s of flyers and hand them out, this is beyond urgent, so many fooled here by TV - idot celeb box - and the deaths of children ramping - I love Western Freedom, I dont watch the idiot box, however for years Texe Marrs 1944-2019 has fascinated me, what a good bloke, men who can see through bullshit, brilliant !

                                I have been blocked on twitter by Adern since 2017, I am not leaving my grandchildren to die, till my last breathe, and I am old, and writing all the truth I know hoping one lead might lead to another, I have no social media , so grateful for this Doco and page, as this must come down-

                                • Ok Cathy, I can now get a feel for your passion and conviction in trying to fight back against this '''INSANITY''', and that is exactly what it is. I feel the same as you, and this fight has also taken up so much of my time and energy as well. But I am a person who is digging at the roots, and have been for about the last 25 years, while the hole I'm digging get's bigger, deeper, and more and more strange with each passing day. And so many rabbit holes when you start digging. It's crazy, and that's what the average person would think. Even those who claim to be , enlightened, and spiritual, they don't seem to really get it either. This I know after the last 16 months or so, having been involved with about 100 or so people, in a "Freedom" group that sprang up out of the Covid agenda. However, I slowly came to realize that some of these people were not who they acted to be. I confronted 5 of them, at a meeting of about 25 people, and they did not deny my accusations. Guess what. I now have several others on my radar screen. This is not rocket science. Jesus is said to have said, "By their fruits you shall know them". They are not always that smart actually when it comes to certain things. But one thing they are really good at, and that is manipulation and LYING. Things are bad Cathy, and there is way more to our experience here than most would ever imagine. I am still trying to figure out what is rong with most people. I suspect it's only a very small number of us who truly have eyes to see and ears to hear. The rest are made up of the mind controlled, and the LIARS, and I fear the number of LIARS is far greater than I had originally thought. Unless those LIARS who have gathered about me are working together to make me think that. Anyway, thank you for your reply to me. Knock on wood, I'll be back. I'm a DIE HARD.

                                  • 1
                                  • Dear John, you are correct , what is wrong with people?

                                    They destroyed America and Western freedom because they are greedy - never forget they would never forget, some never learn, and this is a spiritual war- It is simple, it is the 7 deadly sins.

                                    What is more pure than GOLD - what is priceless ? Children and innocence- so that is all we need to defend - no rabbit hole , just pack your child's lunch pack your own parachute, we cant save everyone - but I do believe Humanity will win and those who are not ignorant or guilty of these horrendous crimes, will survive - trust your gut. If you were wrong you would not be here on the truth page . I do believe love will win and that this is the right time, hang on ok , and thank you for sharing your time.

                                    • 1
                                • Great documentary. Thank you!

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                                  • Oct.27th. It would appear , to me at least, after only a few days of attention paid to this documentary, that I, or hopefully, WE, have a serious problem here.. Ultimately, there is a reason for why I'm seeing so little activity here. Plus, no response yet from those I shared with. These are strange times.

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                                    • Comment removed by author

                                      • I want to know if anyone being Paid out by GOV for Vaccines lethal injection injury's, are signing privacy clauses, for I as one, will die on the street to see these Top to Bottom, liars and killers HUNG before Id touch one cent of their filthy grubby money- screw satan

                                      • It took me about half an hour to access this documentary so it's not really super easy. Would be nice if the interface was bit more intuitive...

                                      • Anyone else keeping track of the view count.?I lost my piece of paper, but if memory serves me correctly, it's not spreading anywhere near as fast as one might think it should. I sent it out to about 60 people, and have only heard back from two, one telling me that she was not able to access the link. So tonight, I am about to send it out again to all of them..Without feedback from people, I don't even know if they are receiving my emails.

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                                        • I know now how Trudeau's wealth went from $10M USD net worth to $85M USD in 6 years. Besides being greedy, he's one of the most evil men on earth!

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                                          • Not sure why ABC girls need to publish books, way more juice in their Twitter Threads- Top TEN Rainbow's for Daniel Andrews - had no idea how intertwined - Magna Szubanski Jan 22, 2021 - Exclusive Financial Review "Aus apptmnt of an eSaftey Commissioner was a world first. Ms Inman Grant said a Canadian minister had told her that country would be copying the Australian model, while new US President Joe Biden has pledged to convene a taskforce @tweetandjules / What I did not get at the time, but do now, is just how cosy Magda gets - to the point now she threatens Ms Iman Grant , on any one who defied her National Lockdown , Netty Obey Adds, for Vic Daniel Andrews .

                                            Why does Ms Inman Grant, remind me so much of another Ex DC Demo - Kristina Keneally - why do so many ALP women , like to call Australian mothers , family women, who do not comply with them, right white wing extremists - conspiracy theorists, racists and a threat ?

                                            Anyway will be interesting to see if Brittany Higgins can get over the line and on to her book also, she sure does look charming with Gillard in photos.

                                            #sales #crabbs #plibersek #wong #keneally #anastaciapalaszuck #olympics #rainbows #childrendrowing

                                            Anyway Im away #notme2 #lolitaxpress #meangirls #wweb #ww3docs

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                                            • Why would it be documented and cross checked, that those who called you a QANON conspiracy theorist, also said the same when you challenged the vaccine ? paper work