Strengthen Your Intuition

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Strengthen Your Intuition

Workshops Are On.I am excited to announce that workshops are happening at the wellness cafe. This weekend, on Sunday from 12-5, Chris will be presenting the workshop about strengthening intuition. In this workshop you will learn about the nature of intuition, the connection between feelings and intuition, the history of psychic tools, and introduced to a new psychic tool: the Kismet Stones. This tool of intuition, when used in a disciplined practice will actually improve your intuitive abilities. You will also learn about the hindrances of intuition and what you can do to unleash your personal power of intuition.Chris shares all of this with passion and compassion. The Kismet Stones are his Opus presented to people who wish to be more than what the modern world teachers we can be. Come out to the wellness cafe and meet Chris and see the Kismet Stones in action and learn how to use them and how they can enhance your own initiative skills and natural powers.

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