Wellness Cafe outreach for mental health and community

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Wellness Cafe outreach for mental health and community

Fridays at the Freespace Center will alternate between a community partnership with the Wellness Cafe, and a series of talks, lectures and workshops organized by Freespace. 

WELLNESS CAFE: July 9, The Temple of Sound will feature the Wellness Cafe. Started in 2017, by Chris Russell, the Wellness Café is an intentional, alternative community committed to bringing you mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth.

ADMISSION: By donation, with $5 recommended. Nobody will be turned away for lack of funds.

CAFE: The café will be open, and selling healthy, gourmet coffees, teas, and hot chocolates, as well as snacks.

TALKS/WORKSHOPS:Every Friday, one of the wellness practitioners will host a talk, workshop, or activity tied to their practice.

WELLNESS PRACTITIONERS:There will be local amazing alternative mental health artists and practitioners offering their services and information for you to try and explore.  Meet compassionate people who are skilled, knowledgeable and passionate about bringing affordable mental health services to our local communities. 

Wellness Practitioners include: Theda Phenix will be our featured practitioner giving a short presentation in breath-work. He will be presenting some basic knowledge about the benefits of breath-work, and then offering us all practical and lungs on techniques in using your breath for healing and wellness.Chris Russelfounder/operator of the wellness cafe, which is a non-profit organization for community to access high quality mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth services, he will be offering intuitive reading using his personally created psychic tool the Kismet Stones.Jules Smith student/practitioner at the wellness cafe, she is a compassionate, intuitive young practitioner offering support, love and wisdom.Fiona Thorson is a certified, experienced reflexology practitioner, as well she will be sharing her knowledge in a new healing practice cleansing the body of nano-particles.Jordin Stallman is an intuitive artist who is creating opportunities for people to confront their shadow, which can be a cleansing of unwanted psychic blocks/energy and a means to release inner pain and trauma.Anna Maria Begany is a Human Design specialist who will be offering you personal insights and awareness into your essence and nature.Dilnur Bakri is a beautiful soul offering great wisdom, compassion and love, who has great knowledge in dance, kinetic movement and spiritual awareness.


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