"TAKE BACK CANADA PROTESTIVAL" YARROW PIONEER PARK, CHILLIWACKPlease support our local business & family event on JULY 1!Come out on Canada Day, and join in with a fast-growing group of like-minded peoplecelebrating our Freedom and Community!The event MC is Matt Kozyniak, Fraser Valley Freedom Rally team member. Featured Speakers: Tanya Gaw, Action4Canada Founder, Owen, Owen, Owen, Rainbow Warrior & Pastor Joshua Lemmens, Susan Standfield, HealthJusticetees, Lani Gelera, Courage Coach, Rael, Owner of Rael Rad Deals & Seth!Music bands to be announced!TIME: 10:00 – 5:00LOCATION: Pioneer Park, YarrowChilliwackYarrow is located southwest of Chilliwack, accessible via Vedder Mountain Road (from Chilliwack)or via the #3 Road turnoff from Hwy. #1For more information, please visit:https://fvfr.ca/