Wellness Freedom Cell

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Wellness Freedom Cell

💥 ANNOUNCEMENT 💥🇨🇦FREEDOM Cell ACTION MEETING🇨🇦🍁Bi-WEEKLY ON THURSDAY NIGHTS (pot luck socials ~ to be announced)💥 Thursday, March 17th,& 316:30 to 9:30 p.m. 💥Preparing for the New ParadigmHi Friends and Guests of theWellness FREEDOM Cell (Burnaby)This is our next couple Action Meeting in Burnaby, so we will discuss what we want to achieve here and how we can better support each other for the NEW PARADIGM. Or as some may say, Plan for the best, be prepared for the worst. A combo of seriously fun and creative, with purpose, structure and flow in Community.PURPOSE:As we are all aware... The world events are unfolding at a furious pace, with some amazing wins lately .. (THANK you TRUCKERS CONVOYS!) and the need to step up even more to keep rising. But the battle is not over, we still need to be creating parrallel and alternative communities that have intrinsic value that people will want and need.We also need to be prepared with some solid plans in a safe supportive communal container, aka Freedom Cell, one of many within a global network.WE WERE BORN TO CREATE!Let's tap into our infinite power together.This next meeting will be dedicated toBEING PREPARED in this REVOLUTIONARY SHIFT and PRESENTING/OFFERING your skills and knowledge together with others as it relates to some of the 12 Solution Hubs we have co-created.On that note, guests are welcome and please only invite those who are dedicated and intentional about supporting this process. These can be potential members of our Cell, and those who want to create their Freedom Cells in their geographical area. Your contributions and input will be greatly appreciated. We are needing to Walk the talk and take greater ACTION and less is more, when it's done as a group.AGENDA6:15-6:30 Arrive - tea and social6:30 Meditation6:50 Group collaborative and sharing8:00 Break into intentional groups according to skill/knowledge/services9:15 - 10pm Social - networking

Note: Please bring a water bottle and notebook. Phones: maybe leave it in your car, or turn off in the house.LOCATION: 3650 Douglas Rd.,Burnaby.(Carpool, Parking on Douglas. Please be in stealth mode (phones off, please be aware not to attract the neighbors' attention; enter thru front door .. no need to knock)💕DEFAULT STATE of BEING:PEACE☮️, LOVE❤️‍🩹, FREEDOM💃🙏In Service to your mental health & freedom. 💜Chris 778.227.7144Please RSVP

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