Informed Consent Citizens Inquiry

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Informed Consent Citizens Inquiry

James Davison

Stand United is proud to announce our next Nationwide event scheduled for

August 20, 2022

We have the irrefutable proof that there is absolutely zero benefit in discriminatory measures when it comes to vagzine status.

The results are the the same, anyone can contract and spread Cee-19 it’s not a preventative benefit weather you have the Cee-19 vagzine!

It makes absolutely no sense to discriminate or to not allow visitation in care home facilities or riding in a plane or a train. This is clearly not scientific, it’s coercion and it’s criminal!

This shot has broken all records for harming people then any other medical procedure In history.

Freedom of anatomy is our God given right.

And our fundamental rights are our principal way of life that keeps us living in harmony

Here in Canada

The time has come to ask questions to our Institutions of authority that have been directed to harm citizens that stand up to the corruption our Dictatorship government has commanded! If they are going to stand with the people, we have enough evidence it’s clear that there are people dying and lies are being told.

We have the information - it’s time for this to end - stand united!

Stand United Nationwide

Informed Consent Citizens Inquiry

14200 Green Timbers Way, Surrey

1 - 4 pm Saturday August 20, 2022

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