Justice for the Vaccinated Bus Tour - Vernon BC 7 pm

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Justice for the Vaccinated Bus Tour - Vernon BC 7 pm

Covid-19 Vaccinations Must Be Stopped Now!

Despite what we were told, there is sufficient evidence to support the fact that the Covid-19 vaccines were rolled out prematurely and the efficacy rates that were promised

were not accurate. Additionally, due to the premature emergency roll out of the vaccines, there was a lack of sufficient safety testing, the result being that untold people in Canada and around the world have died or been injured. As the governments continue to mandate additional vaccinations, based on the same faulty premises, more and more people like you are reaching a line that you are unwilling to cross. You feel betrayed and lied to by the authorities and the media. It takes courage to admit that perhaps following these mandates was a mistake, but you are not alone. Millions of people are taking their first steps to challenge the vaccine narrative. This website has been crafted to help inform you, and hopefully support your decision to say “enough”!

Our first priority is to stop the vaccination efforts so that no one else needlessly dies or becomes injured.

Of equal concern is to ensure that those who have been injured receive a proper diagnosis and treatment. We also believe they are entitled to full financial remedy.

We are also dedicated to ensuring that a proper investigation be conducted to determine the extent of deaths and injuries, how this situation came about

and to subject anyone responsible to full civil and criminal measures.


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