Bright News Light Live Panel: In the Era of Covid, Who Can You Trust?

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Bright News Light Live Panel: In the Era of Covid, Who Can You Trust?

Covid-19 ushered in an era of unparalleled fear, pandemic policies and almost singular medical and media attention on a "novel coronavirus," leading to societal divisions, scientific censorship, and ongoing hardships--the likes of which the world has rarely, if ever, seen before.

Join Bright Light News' Glen Jung for what's expected to be a riveting in-person panel discussion with viral immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle, ER physicians Dr. Mark Trozzi and Dr. Patrick Phillips, and former mainstream media journalist, Rodney Palmer, in Hamilton, Ontario, Jan. 28th at 7 pm, as they discuss the "science" and post-pandemic state of healthcare, Covid-19 "vaccines" and the role of the legacy media in helping to fuel an all-out global assault against a single virus that forever changed societal norms and medical policies...ultimately, the world we knew.

The evening will begin with each panel member giving a 15-minute presentation on a topic in their scope of expertise.


$50 general admission

$75 reserved seating (first 2 rows, middle aisle seats only (not left and right aisles))

Seating is limited for this exclusive Bright Light News panel. So, get your tickets today! Doors open at 6:40 pm.


The Zoetic Company Ltd.

526 Concession Street, Hamilton, ON, L8V 1A6


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