SA 2022 presents David Parker and Dr. Lana Nicholl
A 2022 A group of caring Albertans that explore potential solutions for a better Alberta and for the protection and restoration of rights, freedoms, responsibilities and privacy of the individual. David Parker - Political Organizer, Executive Director of Take Back Alberta: A grassroots movement that restores the power to the people. "The Path to Good Governance" Dr. Lana Nicholl, DC, Chiropractor, CEO of Etown Blood Analysis, National Director with Taking Back our Freedoms, Official Partner with the "The Wellness Company" 7809645433 "Reclaiming your Health & Wellness from the Inside Out" Location: Maharaja Banquet Hall, Doors open at 6:15pm, Meeting begins at 7:00pm, SA 2022 features different guest presents each month in both Edmonton and Calgary. For More information, go to or email