Canada Day Bazaar

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Canada Day Bazaar

Canada Day is Kelowna's BIGGEST event of the year! Ashtree Wildcrafting will be there in the Canada Day Bazaar, situated between Tugboat Bay and Island Stage, reachable either along the boardwalk, or walking in from The Dolphins across from Prospera Place!

We are excited to be there this year, and look forward to meeting you! With the Bazaar going through to 9pm (or later for vendors who are selling well), if you are working Canada Day, you can still pop by to say hi after your workday ends. Then stay for the Canada Day Fireworks!!! The food court will still be open not far from us at Tugboat bay, so you don't even have to worry about what to eat after work.

Come check out our new apothecary trunk, check out our wildcrafted looseleaf tea blends, and celebrate the land, people and country we call home!

Canada Day is probably the BIGGEST multicultural display I've ever witnessed, year after year after year! If you swing by between 11am and 5pm, you can also catch the cake cutting at 1pm at Prospera place, and the ethnic dance troupes on stage inside Prospera as well. All for free! My favourites are the Jewish dance troupes, and the Japanese drum troupe whenever they are there. Sometimes Xtreme Team shows up, with their Christ-honouring powerful cement-breaking interactive routine outside of Prospera beside The Dolphins. They also feature Polynesian dancing as part of their outreach.

So much to see and do downtown Kelowna that day, and we get to be part of it! Hope to see you there!

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