Alternative Relationship online group sessions

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Alternative Relationship online group sessions

image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=4626&dpx=2&t=1690650698Dearest friends,

The alternative relationship online group meeting is coming this Monday July 31y.

Please RSVP me by sending me an email: indicating that you want to attend this meeting and I will respond with the zoom room entrance key. I am looking to see how many are coming this week, please respond promptly if you plan to come this week.

Here are some guidelines for all people attending these sessions with me as the facilitator. Listen first fully and completely, then speak your response and questions. This is a safe space to be heard, and each person will have an opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings with respect and honesty. What we hear inside the circle is private and to be held in confidentiality. There will be no aggressive language or bullying of any kind. Thank you for respecting these conditions for participating in these intentional, intelligent and compassionate alternative relationships group sessions, facilitated by me, Chris.

We will still be focused upon jealousy this week, with added content through our exploration of compersion. Come with your questions, stories, concerns or triumphs in jealousy.

The Wellness Cafe is a non-profit organization that offers the people high quality, professional services in mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth.This valuable conversation platform  is supported by your generous donations. Thank you in advance for supporting your community and lifestyle by giving to the Wellness Cafe. We are located in central Burnaby and offer more services there:

Love and service,


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