BURN 24-7

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BURN 24-7

WORSHIP + PRAYER Lower Mainland, BC God is really bring this together! A former minister from the Portland church and denomination who wrote in to shut it down felt led to come and stand in the gap and God has brought many other keys together! Nichola Christi director of Burn 24/7 Canada is graciously covering this event. There’s been too many amazing things to mention already - call me if you’re interested. We have a permit to meet in the space where the arena once was but there’s been significant costs incurred. If you feel led to sow into this - I believe there will be a reward in your obedience! Etransfers can be made to lmbcgiving@theburn247.com and include your name and address for a tax receipt. Or online at https://tithe.ly/give?c=6616077image_transcoder.php?o=sys_images_editor&h=3748&dpx=1&t=1682044401Devonian Harbour Park

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