Fellowship of the Awake

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Fellowship of the Awake

News Flash: The Fellowship of the Awake will be having a special guest who will  introduce to the wellness cafe a new healing modality. Diana McIntosh is going to be sharing here PEMF mat with us at the next Fellowship of the Awake meeting, Tuesday from 6-8PM. She has a great story about the healing power of this amazing technology, and you all will be able to try a session as she talks about what the Pulse Electromagnetic Field is doing for your body. 

The term PEMF means „Pulsed ElectroMagnetic Fields“ and describes in modern physics the specific application of unique pulsed, electromagnetic frequencies and intensities for the wellness benefit of human beings and animals. I have tried it too, and was honestly amazed at how energized I felt after a single session. I felt cleaned, alert and ready to be all that I can be. 

By applying a low-pulsed electromagnetic field that matches the Earth’s magnetic field as well as the carrier frequency of the ionosphere, the body can be stimulated into harmonic resonance. This therapy is known to reduce and eliminate chronic pain, balance the Ph levels of your body, counteract the negative effects of electrosmog, promote stress-relief, enhance and preserve physical mobility, increase energy, vitality and strength, support faster rehabilitation, maximize your mental clarity, focus and productivity, and rapid post-exercise recovery after strenuous workouts. 

Please RSVP to hold a seat at this special event: Wellness.cafe@protonmail.com

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