Let's Talk Truth Covid

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Let's Talk Truth Covid

Doctors across this province, country, continent, and around the world have been working hard to share crucial information about the Covid agenda, the mandates, and the mechanism that killed rather than saved. They had tried to share the ACTUAL science of natural immunity. They have tried to discuss the resilience of the human person, and the capacity to combat illness given the right protocols at the right time. Many have attempted to engage local and national governments in order to address the flagrant mistakes that were and are being made only to be ignored and worse dismissed out of hand. Some were called conspiracy theorists, and some were stripped of their licences to practice and care for their patients, some were threatened with jail, and some have had death threats. Yet these heroes continue to push back and discuss the Truth.

We invite you to join us in finishing the Covid conversation where our guests address the misinformation and lies the so-called medical authorities spread in the name of public safety.

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