Mainstream Media Rally

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Mainstream Media Rally

In order to successfully combat an enemy, it is important to identify its most deadly weapon. In these modern times of sophisticated technology, our enemy’s (the government) most effective weapon has been mainstream media. It is imperative for Freedom Fighters to understand that MSM’s role in this global deceit has been calculated and intentional. MSM is not an innocent messenger simply relaying false information provided by deceitful government officials.image_transcoder.php?o=bx_froala_image&h=11683&dpx=1&t=1643162202

MSM has wilfully perpetrated this disinformation campaign from the very start. Using well-established techniques for psychological manipulation, MSM has been an ally of the Global Terrorists to establish and continue perpetrating this pandemic fraud. Case in Point: how many Freedom Fighters understand that what actually happened at the Kelowna Cenotaph on Remembrance Day was the EXACT OPPOSITE of what was portrayed by local MSM? Now recognize how dangerous MSM is when even the Mayor and RCMP believed the MSM narrative!?!?

If you want to make an impact against this looming Dictatorship that is stifling your Freedom, then please make a concerted effort to attend the scheduled Media Protests!

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