Re-awaken Your Faith
What is a personal faith, social faith or spiritual faith? Answers to these questions and more are offered at this new workshop presenting the fifth facet of a new mind map created by Chris Russell. Faith has become a very important part of the human mind, because beliefs can be planted easily into the minds of those who have no faith. This is new information because in the past faith has generally been a given from a social level, which easily translates into a personal level. Modern culture is bereft of any given faith, other than the belief in the mighty dollar, science and technology. With the power of the pervasive presence of mass media, information is being given that the faithless are simply accepting as true. The result is what we are seeing today around the world. My goal here is to show and teach how important faith is, to choose a faith, any faith, but make sure it is in a higher power of good, peace and love. This will guide your beliefs, and allow for a good life. While not choosing a faith will create an openness to external beliefs and faith. Faith is our beliefs in action, which will become the actions of those external forces shaping your beliefs. Today more than ever, is is vital that your know about faith, what it is, how you can choose or have faith, and how your faith conscious or unconscious will shape what you do or not do.