Reclaiming Canada Conference
In recognition of the 40th anniversary of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, a national conference will be held in Victoria, British Columbia to assemble a coalition of leaders, including the Honourable Brian Peckford. This gathering will bring together Canadians from across the country to form a national strategy in order to advance our democracy and to repair the damage stemming from political and societal dissonance.
Canada’s constitution was founded to protect individual rights and freedoms in order to unify the nation. In order to safeguard these rights in these rapidly changing times, a new Congress of Citizens will reimagine our nation and bring forward solutions that empower Canadians. This historic gathering will take place on May 28th and May 29th and will be jointly hosted by We Unify Canada, Taking Back Our Freedoms, Vaccine Choice Canada, Freedom Rising and many others.
PRESENTING SOLUTIONSThe conference will focus on peaceful action as well as principles that embody individual freedom.The agenda includes:
Talks by prominent advocates.
Discussion of proposed strategies and solutions presented by freedom groups.
Decision-making sessions which will include voting on initiatives.
If you have a strategy you would like to present, need assistance finding accommodation for your stay or are unable to attend due to financial hardship, please contact us: