Support Small Businesses Day
Support Small Businesses DayMONDAY JUNE 14, 2021Sherolinnah EangPlease send out invites to all eatery in downtown Vancouver and also get your friends to buy a ticket to receive a sticker for life to support small business and self-governance.#10DOLLARMEALDAYMONDAYJUNE14TH[0]=AZX6a22ABDtKrvo2uBWsGqNDi-ZVBeXtnT5YCWfLH-NX8TEoG-YNlpfhBGk_gyKluxmUX8MPa_kgkrMWf69R-G-xDLY5yUZRl8-p3VZ6N7FHyQ&__tn__=*NK-RWhen you create your personal website you can promote yourself and sell stickers to help small businesses and keep $7 of each sticker sold you will meet with business owners to deliver the stickers and help them grow their business.Buy a ticket today and create your business it is a world wide movement. Sell stickers anywhere in the world. Stickers are good for life.