Take Back Alberta


Take Back Alberta

Voting Is not enough. Taking action NOW is required. Featuring: David Parker Founder of Take Back Alberta speaking about strategies to ensure a Conservative Victory in May.  Mitch Sylvestre Advocate for property ownership speaking about pushing back against firearms confiscation attempts, IPCA, land use bylaws Five Mile Community Hall  714003 Range Road 53 at the northeast corner of Township Road 714 & Range Road 53 To register online, go to:  www.tinyurl.com/4pzbjj5e or call or text 7803490181 This event is brought to you by: Take Back Alberta - A grassroots movement that restores the power to the people. For more info visit: www.takingbackalberta.ca Email info@takingbackalberta.ca Call or text: 7803490181 Freedom is not free. It’s time to stand strong and united. 

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