Take Back Alberta - Westlock
Featuring: David Parker and Mitch Sylvestre and Benita Pedersen Topics: -land use bylaws (LUBs) -Indigenous protected and conserved areas (IPCAs) -firearms restrictions -Effectively influencing our government -Ensuring a Conservative Victory in May. 1:00pm Doors Open 2pm Meeting Begins Westlock & District Community Hall Alberta Room 10711-104 Avenue RSVP www.TinyURL.com/2f47f85m or 7803490181 Take Back Alberta - A grassroots movement that restores the power to the people. For more information visit: http://www.takingbackalberta.ca Email info@takingbackalberta.ca Call or text: 7803490181 Freedom is not free. It’s time to stand strong and united. https://t.me/takebackalberta/9010
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