Wellness Cafe outreach for community mental health

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Wellness Cafe outreach for community mental health

Friday evening at the Temple of Sound the Wellness Cafe brings together local mental health practitioners. Not Mainstream philosophies and practices, but traditional and alternative beliefs and services for mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth. Each alternate Friday I gather engaged, knowledgeable and committed practitioners and artists to meet, present, offer services or give demonstrations for donation. This allows us to unite and network expanding both our effectiveness and efficiency, thus being able to offer valuable services and showcase talented musicians to people who appreciate your intention and gifts.

CAFE: The café will be open, selling healthy, gourmet coffees, teas, and hot chocolates, as well as snacks.

TALKS/WORKSHOPS: One of the wellness practitioners or talented artists will offer a concert, host a talk, workshop, or activity tied to their  talents and practice.

WELLNESS CAFE:Started in 2017, by Chris Russell, the Wellness Café is an intentional, alternative community committed to bringing together artists and practitioners for the promotion of your mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth.

ADMISSION: By donation, minimum $5 appreciated. Nobody turned away for lack of funds.

WELLNESS CAFE:Started in 2017, by Chris Russell, the Wellness Café is an intentional, alternative community committed to bringing you mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth. This growing and evolving community is becoming ever more important to have.FEATURED WELLNESS PRACTITIONERS:

Fiona Thorson, Reflexology practitioner, and nano-tech cleaner. Fiona will be presenting her personal story with nano teleology poisoning and how she cleansed her body of these dangerous micro particles.

Devin Ashworth, Kundalini yoga was brought to the west by a teacher named yogi Bahjan in the 60's. It consists of many different sets of techniques we call kriyas which involves mudras (hand positions) mantras (chanting) asana (postures). Together creating an opportunity to safely raise kundalini energy at the base of the spine cleansing the energy centres (Chakras) of the body . Kundalini yoga is the practice of awareness and was given to the royals in ancient India as a way to stay radiant and powerful .My name is Devin Ashworth and I look forward to teaching you this ancient science to elevate and uplift every soul. Sat Nam

WELLNESS PRACTITIONERS:There will be other local, amazing, alternative mental health artists and practitioners offering their services and information for you to try and experience. Meet compassionate people who are skilled, knowledgeable and passionate about bringing affordable mental health services to our local communities.Including:Chris Russell, founder/operator of the wellness cafe, which is a non-profit organization for community to access high quality mental health, emotional healing and spiritual growth services, he will be offering intuitive reading using his personally created psychic tool the Kismet Stones.Alexa Stanley, an experienced, skilled reader through touch. I am excited to be welcoming Alex to our events sharing her gifts in connecting with people and answering questions.Jordin Stallman, media artist focused upon bringing out people's shadows for deeper self awareness and healing. Creating marketing and self promotion for your independent outreach to serve people.Rudra offering Readings and intuitive skills in sound and psyche.

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