Law. Starting with kindergarten. No stealing, no hitting. It's the law.
What's law? It is the rules we have in our game of life.
The principles of law: (or mandates or edicts)Laws cannot be arbitrary. Arbitrary:
1> based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system. (of power or a ruling body) unrestrained and autocratic in the use of authority.2> having unlimited power; uncontrolled or unrestricted by law; despotic; tyrannical: an arbitrary government.3> Together “Arbitrary and Capricious” refers to: A willful and unreasonable action without consideration or in disregard of facts or law or without determining principle. - Black's Law Dictionary.4> In the case of covid lockdown laws, arbitrary laws or mandates are ones that are not based on bonafide scientific fact. Not proven to be true.Bonafide: in good faith, without fraud or deceit, genuine.All laws and mandates must be based on fact.The onus is upon the lawmaker to prove that his laws are based on fact.In the case of covid lockdown laws and mandates, they have to be based on bonafide scientific fact.The onus is upon the lawmaker to prove that his laws are scientifically proven to be true. Arbitrary laws and mandates have no force in law. They are as if they do not exist.
Therefore all covid laws are illegal.
They have no force in law
They are all as if they do not exist.
Anyone enforcing these laws or mandates are an accomplice to the crime.
The police and authorities have to be educated on this data.
There is a lot of talk and complaining about how the courts are corrupt and the judges and lawyers are controlled. Etc. And so called internet common law experts (who preach such doctrine as claiming to not wanting to contract, humans -not persons, service corporations, fiction names, etc.) and freeman on the land, etc. is the way to go.
That is all nonsense. They are all quacks and witch doctors.The problems have several factors.It is true that most lawyers are either corrupt, crooked, or incompetent. So that is why you should be your own lawyer.And then be able to make the case turn out as you know it should, according to the law, in a proper court of law.The problem is:People do not understand how the court works and the judge’s role in the court.People do not know and understand who owns the law and who owns the court?People go to court and lose and then blame the judges, the courts and judges are corrupt, owned by the globalists, or what ever, when it is their own damn fault.Then they go online and learn about common law from all the legal quacks out there.There is a right way and a wrong way to do pretty much anything.People fail in any endeavour for only one reason that is for the lack of the right knowledge on how to solve the problem at hand.Identify the problem correctly, find the right knowledge, and apply it correctly and you can solve any problem.Seek the truth in all things and the truth will solve your problems.The problem is that pretty much everything people know that is of any real importance or significance, is wrong.That is the cause of all the problems in the world.People need to know that the law does not belong to the lawyers, nor the court.The law belongs to you, the people.And the court also belongs to you, the people.But you need to know the law that applies to your case.You need to know the rules of legal procedure and how to win in court.The power lies with the people.The only authority that authorities have is that which the people give them.YOU WON'T DRIVE A CAR ON THE OPEN HIGHWAY WITH OUT KNOWING THE RULES OF THE ROAD,, OTHERWISE YOU'RE JUST AN ACCIDENT GETTING READY TO HAPPEN. WHEN YOU GO TO COURT YOU NEED TO KNOW THE RULES OF PROCEDURE, OR YOU MIGHT BE LOOKING AT AN ACCIDENTAL DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE.. It makes no difference who sits the bench, the justice handed down should be the right justice not justice tempered with the jurist's personal likes and dislikes or political preferences. The only way for this to happen is for the majority of the, everyday regular citizens to know and understand the legal system that controls our lives.
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How To Win In Court is an online legal self-help course that shows you how to win in any court without a lawyer!
Only the People can control their leaders. That includes everyone from the politicians, health authorities, corporations, police, to even corrupt judges, and anyone else.If someone is breaking the law and or causing you trouble, you do not have to call the police to charge them and take them to court.You can do all this yourself, when you educate yourself on how to do it.And it is not as difficult as you may think.You only have to do your homework and do it well.It will be one of the best things you ever did.The right knowledge is power.Then you go to the court house and ask the clerk for a “private charge application” form.This form has different names in different courts.You then fill it out and get the federal prosecutor or crown prosecutor to have the perpetrator appear in court and you handle the case and get the verdict as the law states, like a well informed and competent lawyer would, yourself. Click here: Think about that for a moment. If you see a need for the people to control what our leaders do, then you must agree that voting booths and social media posts aren't ultimately effective. The Power of People is IN THE COURTS! Always has been! Always will be. So, let this age be the age when the People learn how to CONTROL OUR COURTS by learning the Rules of Court and how to use them effectively to make our world a safe place for everyone!
You will not be able to do it unless you take this course and learn it well.
Click here: is the world’s leading legal education course, second to none!It can be applied in the USA, Canada and many if not most other countries in the world, if you know what you are doing.Right and wrong, good system and good order, and common sense, are not jurisdictional. They are universal.You will learn more in this course in one day than in seven yrs of university and even a life time of law practice.Academic legal education is a racket.
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Simply amazing! The legal profession has tricked the Public into believing only lawyers are smart enough to know how to win in court ... then they refuse to teach you anything, so you must hire one ... and only 4 out 5 of you can afford a lawyer. What's wrong with this picture?
Get the How to Win in Court course and take control of your life.
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Our country was planned by the Founders to include the People as part of the system - informed and INVOLVED in more than just voting or carrying signs in the street. You have the power of the courts to control your leaders or anyone else!
When will you decide to learn how to win in court WITHOUT the necessity of hiring expensive liars?
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Winning in court is easy, once one accepts that the courts have rules and that winners of EVERY contest, including court battles, know the rules and how to use them to win. The sad part is how the legal profession has bamboozled the public into believing it's all too hard to learn. It isn't. It is so easy an average 8th grader can learn how to win in a single weekend!
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We send soldiers to "Fight for our Freedoms", and many die or return from war forever wounded in body and mind - yet we do nothing to promote Public Legal Education so people can get Justice in our courts without going broke hiring lawyers!
You see, friends, if one cannot get Justice then "Freedom" is an just an empty word. One is "free" only when he is guaranteed justice when his "freedoms" are attacked. If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer to get you justice, your freedom is in jeopardy!
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When will the People wake up and use the only REAL POWER they have ... the Courts? So long as people believe it's too difficult or that they must pay thousands to a lawyer to get the courts to make changes, we will all continue to suffer at the hands of the rich and powerful.
Having "rights" is meaningless if you don't know how to "exercise your rights" IN COURT.
Please stop complaining and start learning how to FORCE THE COURTS TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE PEOPLE ... and not just the giant corporations or mega-rich individuals! ! ! ! !
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Violence and corruption in high places calls on each of us to learn how to fight the night and lift the lamp for others who will follow, especially the innocent children. Tired of seeing your votes accomplish nothing? Learn how to get heard in court and force judges to overrule legislators, law makers and others in office who ignore our rights!
This is YOUR opportunity to be heard where you WILL MAKE A RECORD AND CHANGE THINGS FOR THE BETTER!
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We the People are the 4th branch of our government. We ALL need to know how to command the judicial branch (the courts) to recognize that we are out here paying taxes and should be heard on important topics and issues. To be heard in court, of course, we ALL need to know how to win in court WITHOUT A LAWYER!
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Now is the time for all of us to learn how to use the courts, because the courts are the only power we have outside the voting booth to change the laws and make our leaders obey the fundamental principles of American Justice. Let's do this for the children, please! Learn how to take your city council, school board, next door neighbor, big corporation, or anyone else to court and make your voice heard in a NEW WAY that will change the status quo and make our world a safer place for all. Do it now!
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Requests for Production are available to all who are involved in a civil lawsuit, giving POWER to people to force their opponents to produce documents and things ON THE RECORD to support their arguments. Requests for Production are only one tool in your arsenal of weapons to win in court. Everyone should know they have this POWER, and everyone should know how to use this POWER to get the Justice they deserve! Learn more at no charge. Go to this site now.
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The courts are the power of the people. They work only for those who know how to use the rules, something any average 8th grader can learn in 24 hours! So, why are so many good people being defeated in the courts? And, why is our nation continuing to lose her way in the field of justice? Something for all of us to ponder and discuss with our friends?
Knowing how to win in court is knowing how to control your world, without waiting until it's time to vote ... as if changing those in office has any real benefit. It doesn't. But, winning in court changes the law, and that makes all the difference.
Know how to win in court, and teach your children how so they cannot be victimized by dishonest attorneys and biased judges!
So many talk about what's wrong with our country and the world, and the answer is simple, if you will learn that the power of the people is not violence in the streets, or protesting and waving signs, or yapping on videos, but wisdom knowing how to force the courts to secure justice for us ... which can only be done when YOU learn the rules of court and how to use them ... a task so simple even an average eighth-grader can do it.
Jurisdictionary's is a complete step-by-step self-help course for people who cannot afford a lawyer. Easy to learn and very affordable. Learn more at
Know how to use the official rules to protect yourself in court. Learn in a single weekend with our step-by-step online course. Click here now:
It doesn't matter if you have the law on your side, if you don't know how to use the rules of court to win, you will lose.
If you're being sued, the other side has the burden of proof.
The rules of statutory interpretation are vital to winning your case.
If you don't know what the law says, you'll have a devilishly hard time getting a judge to agree with you! Learn how to find the right laws that pertain to your case and learn the rules of procedures of the courts and win>
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Don't be hoodwinked by lack of legal knowledge. None of what you need to win is rocket science! Don't let lawyers trick you!
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Find the law that controls the judge!
Otherwise, you cannot hope to win!
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Whether you're training for the Olympics or trying to win a case in court, winners know they must exercise, prepare themselves, and be ready for competition. The best lawyers in the business, have mock trials with their clients, as much as possible before trial.
But: Most court cases can be won before trial, when you know what you are doing and do it right.
To learn how, click here now:
Know how it works!
Pleadings frame the case and tell the court what the fight is about.
Evidence proves the facts alleged.
Motions move the court to act. Click here now:
The Jurisdictionary course is the stalwart at the judicial process
Stalwart definition is - marked by outstanding strength and vigor of body, mind, or spirit.
strongly and stoutly built; sturdy and robust. strong and brave; valiant: a stalwart knight. firm, steadfast, or uncompromising
There is no evidence you cannot get in before trial.
There are no witnesses you cannot question under oath before trial.
There are no documents or things you cannot get in before trial.
Ever wonder why you were never taught anything about court procedure or the rules of evidence in your tax-supported schools? Who benefits from your legal ignorance?
The goal of most court battles is money. Do you know how to get your money after you win?
To learn how, click here now: Jurisdictionary show you how to make the legal system work for you! To learn how, click here now:
Can't afford a lawyer? Let Jurisdictionary help you learn how to defend yourself!
To learn how, click here now:
With the step-by-step instructions, you'll learn the case-winning tactics you need to come out on top of any court case.
To learn how, click here now:
Jurisdictionary teaches people how to win in court throughout the US, Canada, England, Spain, and Taiwan and many other countries.
To learn how, click here now:
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
Protect your family by knowing your rights and enforcing them in court!
To protect you and your family, you only need to take the Jurisdictionary home study legal procedure course now: does not teach you law. No one knows all the laws. You just have to know how and where to find the law in your jurisdiction, and learn the laws of court procedure to win.To learn how to win in court, click here:
Don't leave the scales of justice to fate! Don't go to court thinking you will wing it.
Learn how to win in court! Click here:
The reason Canada, the USA and every other country in the world, got into the covid mess we are in 2021 is because people were too busy having a good time, or just bitching and complaining and protesting and not learning how to make politicians and authorities obey the law. The people do not know that the law and the courts belong to them. They think the law belongs to lawyers and judges, and the court belongs to the judge or the government. Nothing is further from the truth.The law and courts belong to you.Take the Jurisdictionary legal procedure course now and clean up your political system and the authorities now.
Click here to learn how:
You will learn more in one day from the Jurisdictionary course, than you will learn in seven yrs of law school in university.
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