The idea that you are not in a meaningful relationship, because you cannot find Mr or Mrs Right, is a lie. You know very well it is not true.As soon as you become Mr or Mrs Right, your options will crawl out of the wood work and line up at the door.
My Lonely Hearts Love Life Improvement School, helps singles who want to find Mr or Mrs Right, how to be Mr or Mrs Right first, to maximize their success in having a meaningful, fulfilling relationship.Only when you become Mr or Mrs Right, will you find Mr or Mrs RightLONELY HEARTS LOVE LIFE IMPROVEMENT SCHOOL
INTRODUCTION TO THE SCHOOL OF NOBLE CHARACTERIntroduction by Elam Hummer, original author
A noble character is a castle of safety for every Man and Woman,
A Fortress of Character, Relationship Skills, Life skills, Morality, Will Power, Energy and Executive Ability, embracing a course of life training.
A strong noble character is the only castle of safety for all men and women.
It's strongholds are towers of strength against every danger that may beset life,
from the least to the greatest.
Noble: having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals.
Character is what a man is, not what he is reputed to be. Reputation is not always based upon character, but often upon a concealment of character (bad character). The usual inquiries concerning this attribute are intended to ascertain if the person in question is honest as far as lying and stealing are concerned, or is morally strong in matter of temptation. These are but two points only in the development of character and form but less than 2% of the whole scope.
Looking for a broader understanding of what is meant, we find quality after quality rising before us in a procession of essential traits. The person who does not steal, who keeps all the commandments may be a very disagreeable individual. He may be mean in scores of ways, and a very undesirable as a friend or companion. He may be angry and frustrated inside. We know of men who are morally perfect, as far as earth is concerned, yet are shrivelled in all other departments of their being. We know women who are probably chaste but never chased, who are truthful, yet unable to hold the contents of their knowledge; who would rather die than steal, and yet who are as weak in purpose as a jelly fish is in body. This may lead you to think that purpose is character. This is no more so than a window is a house. Were you to seek a correct definition, there would be some difficulty in making it accurate, and more in making it complete.
“A NOBLE CHARACTER” is a fortress of safety. Safe from what? Safe from every danger that can possibly arise in any way. This is a strong statement. We realize what it implies. Years have been spent in the preparation of a course that can guarantee safety to every human being who comes under it's influence of more than 100 points of character, and added continuing supporting complementary material and advanced life improvement material.
A man dying on his death bed, in bidding farewell to his family said: “I wish I could know that my sons and daughters were safe”. He meant much more than we can explain in these few lines. How many husbands wish the same of their wives? How many wives wish the same of their husbands? How many parents yearn and hope and pray for the safety of their sons and daughters? To be safe is the first consideration of existence. The training afforded by this course, should be insisted upon every young lady before giving her hand in marriage to her future husband, and vice versa.AND WE ASSERT THAT IF EVERY MARRIED COUPLE SHOULD PASS THROUGH THIS COURSE OF TRAINING, IF DONE RIGHT AND HONESTLY APPLIED, THERE WOULD NOT BE ANOTHER DIVORCE IN THE LAND.
And if any business had everyone take this course, they would be untouchable. Because people who have successful fulfilling relationships at home, perform much better at work.
A NOBLE CHARACTER is a citadel offering every kind of safety for the individual:
Safety against failure
Safety against loss
Safety against malice
Safety against wrong habits
Safety of character
Safety against discouragement
Safety in friendshipsSecurity and harmony in relationships, producing meaningful, enduring relationships
Safety in the home
Safety in Business, in the professional career, in society, and the winning of social position.Because success in everything in life depends on good character, good communication skills, good relationship skills, good getting along skills, good people skills, good problem solving skills, good conflict resolution skills and a lot more. This school covers all.
It is perhaps a peculiar school, but a great one.
The knowledge offered in this school is needed by every young man and young woman, and every man and woman, in existence.
It carries you to the heights of life and there you are given the fruits of the earth.
It alone is worth much more than any price that could be placed upon it, for there are somethings that cannot be valued by money.End of original author Elam Hummer’s introduction.
Preamble by David M Pelly
In vain we build a world if we don't at first build the man.
Edwin Markham (born Charles Edward Anson Markham April 23, 1852 – March 7, 1940)
In vain we do anything, if at first we do not build the individual with a noble character. David Pelly
In vain we get into a relationship if we do not have the right knowledge (education) and skills on how to make it work, enduring, fulfilling and empowering. David M PellyThe building blocks of a great society are great individuals with noble characters, good homes, great marriages and great families.
Don't judge people by the colour of their skin or any other factor, but judge them only on the content of their character. Martin Luther King - expanded.Close to 50% of adults are single today, and a large percentage of the other half are working at it.Things are not like they used to be 70 yrs ago or more.The same as, if you want to get a great job, with a great company, you need to get the right education and training, and be competent for the position that needs to be filled, before anyone will hire you.Not only that, strict detailed contracts are pretty much standard for higher positions, and the same with trial periods and limited term contracts. And an increasing number of companies are having their prospects go through multiple layers of psychological testing.And getting into a relationship is even more important of a decision and choice, than hiring an employee is, for a business.Competent: The ability to get the job done, at least as well as would be expected.Incompetent, the inability to get the job done, at least as well as would be expected.Today, to maximize your success in your relationship, you have to have the right education and training, and be competent.One big problem in relationships today, is people having different ideas about how a relationship should be, including male and female roles. And this is one major factor that causes great conflict because the truth is determined by beliefs, opinions, political correctness, what they heard on TV, and by who wins an argument. All, a sure recipe for disaster. There are many more.The point is that to have a successful, meaningful, fulfilling relationship, both parties have to be singing from the same song book and be on the same page. And sing in perfect harmony.
And the knowledge they are operating on has to be in alignment with the laws of nature, or universal law.
Failure is feedback from the universe that something was not in alignment with universal law.
People fail in any endeavour for only one reason and that is for the lack of the right knowledge to solve the problem at hand. Find the right knowledge and apply it, and you can solve any problem.
People fail in relationships because they are operating on false and limiting beliefs and knowledge.And they often do not know the difference between a belief and a fact.And not knowing the difference between a belief and a fact is the cause of much insanity, incompetence, and most of most people’s problems, and the world’s problems too.A belief is an assumption or an opinion, or a fabrication, and a fact is something that has been proven, or can be proven.A belief is not a fact.A fact is equal to the truth.A belief is an assumption.A belief is actually a confession of ignorance. When you believe something, you actually are admitting that you do not know the facts.Both parties have to be operating on the same knowledge, and it has to be the right knowledge (in other words everyone has to be operating on the truth). Not opinions, beliefs and arguments.The truth is nothing more or less than the right knowledge to solve the problem at hand.Therefore the old maxim: Seek the truth in all things and the truth will set you free from the bondage (the trap) of your problems. In other words the truth will solve your problems.Everything in this universe is ultimately governed by universal law. Including relationships and marriage.Universal law, is a term that covers all the laws of nature, all the laws of all the sciences, known and unknown. (Also known as the truth and or God’s plan.)Failure is feedback from the universe, that something was not in alignment with universal law.We succeed in life to the degree we learn and live by universal law.We fail in life to the degree we fail to learn and live by universal law.The value of something can only be determined by how many problems it solves, how well it solves them and for how long a period of time, it solves them for?In other words any idea is only as good as it works.The truth is not determined by authority, beliefs, opinions, political correctness, ideology, or by who wins an argument.The truth is ultimately determined by universal law.Can you think of an exception to the above?Breach of universal laws can cause, or will cause serious problems, trauma, pain, suffering, despair, madness, mental illness, sickness and death.That is what is meant by: The wages of sin, is death.A sin is actually a breach of certain types of universal law.
A sufficiently serious breach of the law of gravity, can easily immediately cause serious injury and death.Take an honest look, and study people and society, to see if this is true or not for yourself.When you do the study, see what is actually there, not what you think is there, or what someone said is there, and see what is actually going on, see what is actually happening or has happened? In time you will get good at this.The true character, the true quality of a person is not determined by their social veneer, by how nice or good they can be on good roads and good weather.The true character, the true quality of a person is determined in times of adversity, in times of conflict, in times of disagreement, during times on bad roads and bad weather. Especially, on long bad roads in bad weather.In such times, are they part of the problem or part of the solution?In such times are they the problem or the solution?In such times are they an asset or a liability?A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link. Same with a person.In this course, each trait and each lesson is a link in the complete chain. Therefore it is important to complete the entire course, in good faith. Make sure you thoroughly complete and understand each lesson. Do your lessons well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>The biggest problem people are dealing with today is anxiety and all other forms of mental and emotional disorders (mental illness).Mental illness is the biggest problem facing mankind today.If you take an honest look around, you will see that it is difficult to find someone who has not got some degree of some type of mental or emotional disorder (problem), including attitude problems.It is all a matter of type and degree.
If you make a scale from 0 to 100, where 0 is dead and 100 is perfect like Jesus, for example, and evaluated all people's degree of sanity and insanity, ability and inability, and placed it on the scale, you would find that at about 2 and 3 on the scale is where the dividing line is for normal and abnormal, at which above this point, people are increasingly sane and able, and below this point, people are incompetent and unemployable. People have a long ways to go in spiritual development before they can become like Jesus.This example is very simplified, but provided to provide a picture, a reference point. A beginning of understanding.The churches are full of people with mental and emotional disorders looking for healing.And prior to this school, there has not really been any solutions or cures to the those problems.This school covers that ground.
In vain we build a world if at first we don't find the cause and cure for all the problems of the mind.
That includes all craziness, all madness, all insanity, all mental disorders, all problems of the mind, all mental illness, all psychological disorders.
This school deals with all those problems and more.
Einstein said: We only use 10% of our minds.
If that is true, then what about the remaining 90%?
How do we tap into that?
This school does tap into that unused 90%.This school teaches you how to become the person your maker meant you to be.This school teaches a person how to develop their full potential.
People fail in any endeavour for only one reason and that is for the lack of the right knowledge to solve the problem at hand.
Find the right knowledge and you can solve any problem.
The right knowledge is equal to the truth.
The truth is nothing more or less than the right knowledge to solve any problem.
Only the truth will solve our problems.
Therefore seek the truth in all things and the truth shall set you free from the bondage of your problems.Seek the truth in all things.
Gain the right knowledge, wisdom and understanding,and they shall be as a crown of glory for you by day, and a guiding light by night.
Seek the truth, wisdom and understanding and they shall be as a crown of glory for you by day and a guiding light by night.
Seek the right knowledge, wisdom and understanding and they shall be as a crown of glory for you by day and a guiding light by night.Wisdom is a higher calibre of knowledge gained from experience.
Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge ...
New International Version my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.
English Standard VersionMy people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.GOD'S WORD® TranslationI will destroy my people because they are ignorant. You have refused to learn, so I will refuse to let you be my priests. You have forgotten the teachings of your God, so I will forget your children.
(I posit that what Hosea means or is saying, is why young people are not attending church today, or why the church is having difficulty in attracting new people and young people.)
What knowledge was Hosea referring to?There is no end to the knowledge on earth. But most of it is useless. Most of it is false and limiting knowledge.Most of the knowledge on earth is lies, perversion, deceit and nonsense.Hosea was referring to the right kind of knowledge.There are basically two kinds of knowledge.Right knowledge and false and limiting knowledge and nonsense.
Only the right knowledge will solve your problems.
The right knowledge is the same as the truth.The truth is nothing more or less than the right knowledge to solve the problems at hand.
If you have the right knowledge, you can solve any problem.
What kind of knowledge?
The right knowledge on how to be a good human being?
The right knowledge on how to be good man?The right knowledge on how to be a good woman?The right knowledge on how to be a good husband?The right knowledge on how to be a good father?The right knowledge on how to be a good provider?
The right knowledge on how to be successful in life, the right way, by taking the high road.The right knowledge on how to be a good wife?The right knowledge on how to be a good mother?
The right knowledge on how to look after one’s house?The right knowledge on how to be a good house keeper?The right knowledge on how to be a good home maker?
The right knowledge on how to make good, healthy, bright, intelligent children?We are all only as good as we have been bred and brought up.Good trees do not produce bad fruit.
The right knowledge on how to gestate babies?The right knowledge on how to properly give birth?
The right knowledge on how to raise your daughters on how to be good human beings, good spiritual beings, good women, good wives, good mothers and good citizens?
The right knowledge on how to raise your sons on how to be good human beings, good spiritual beings, good men, good husbands, good fathers and good citizens.
All this has to be done according to the laws of nature, according to universal law.
There is nothing more important than children. They are the future.A society that neglects the importance and sanctity of marriage, home and family, is a society on it's way out.The right knowledge on how to raise good, well adjusted, bright children?The right knowledge on to make sure your children become your blessings, instead of your curse, your shame, your nemesis?
(There will be a lesson on child raising later on.)
(There will be a lesson on sex education later on towards the end. Sex education like you never knew existed.Sex is a spiritual creative function. It is not a toy. Do not mess with it.All misuse and abuse of sex will cause mental illness down the road.)The right knowledge on how to live?The right knowledge on how to eat properly? Proper nutrition.The right knowledge on how to be healthy?The right knowledge on how to look after oneself?Your body is your temple, do not defile it.Look after it and it will look after you.The right knowledge on how to think properly? Right thinking.The right knowledge on how to solve any problem in life that comes one's way?The right knowledge on how to take responsibility for your own health and heal any and all diseases?There are no incurable diseases, there are only incurable people, people with bad or wrong attitudes.There are only people who lack the right knowledge on how to heal their diseases.The right knowledge on how to heal the problems of the mind and spirit?The right knowledge on how to be the person God wants you to be?The right knowledge on how to do the things you were born to do?
Everyone is born with talents.
The right knowledge on how to have what ever one needs and wants?The right knowledge on how to know the truth of all things?The right knowledge on what the purpose of life is?The right knowledge on how to be a master of life, like Jesus?I am the way, the truth and the life.
Testimonial from the original version by Elam Hummer:A young lady writes:A young man who I did not know very well, was rather wild. But I took the liberty to present him with a bible and a copy of the School of Character.He kept both and is now reformed and has joined the church. He places great value on the influence of the bible and says that the School of Character has been helpful to him.... each filling important places in his life. The bible and this course SAVED his life from ruin.
The School of Noble Character is better than any other course of education, life training, learning, or personal and professional development education, or means of developing the whole man and the whole woman for the battle of life. It is unparalleled in it's effectiveness, thoroughness and rapidity of progress.