Another Blow by Big Tech - Librti Cancelled by PayPal

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Dear Librti Family, 

As always, we hope you and the ones you love are okay. Our hearts are sore for humanity and that is what keeps us working hard behind the scenes. Never before has our ability to connect, share timely and valuable information, have a place to “belong”, been more important. Our team is fiercely giving everything we can to keep the lights on here at Librti, as we continue to collaborate and mastermind solutions with more than 100 other freedom minded organizations. We’re blessed to be working alongside them and it is our ultimate honour to call you family. I know for myself, I would be terribly alone without Librti and all of you. 

On a not so good note, it is becoming harder to do business. PayPal has shut our account down for violating the PayPal Acceptable Use Policy. As a result, we are in discussions with innovators that provide alternative payment processing solutions, however we do not yet know when this will be implemented. 

How does this impact you? Librti would not be here without you, as Librti is 100% member supported! So, if you were using PayPal for monthly or recurring donations, kindly use another payment method. This blow by PayPal has hurt us, and now more than ever we need your support to ensure we will be able to continue covering our operating costs. If only 10% of members donated an equivalent of a cup of coffee a month it would make a world of difference and we would be able to do so much more. Please consider supporting Librti at this critical time:

1) Become a Premium or Visionary member

2) Small or large, every Donation makes a difference

3) E-transfers can be sent to

4) Cheques and cash to Librti Alliance Inc., Suite #239, 210A - 12A Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 2J1

5) Cryptocurrency:

Bitcoin (BTC) - 3EFX2gJto5m5mQ6dreu18ELVMyqHasv1eg

Ethereum (ETH) - 0x554A2525302C3245152D8a56908970128405B0FA

PIVX - DU3kvPvADHpKwK5Yybte7CvCPr7PUi4G3w

Thank you for joining Librti and thank you for being here. 

In gratitude and kindness, 


Librti Team

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