Dealing with disinformation and how to hide posts from members that you don't want to see anything from

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Hello Librti Family,

Lately, we have been receiving some feedback related to conflicts between our members, and related to disinformation that is being shared on Librti. As Librti is a free-speech platform, members are free to post information as long as it doesn't violate the terms of service (i.e. You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease...). What this means is that you will encounter people and posts that you may disagree with or find offending, as well as outright disinformation. Our intention is to stay out of fact-checking, so we are happy to see that most of Librti members are having productive and civil conversations in comments. We want to leave the fact-checking and discovering the truth to the community. At most, we will share our personal opinions in comments or on our shows.

Unfortunately, there have been conflicts between some of the members during the past several weeks. Some members may be posting incessantly about a particular topic that is of no interest to some other people. Or, some members may be posting information that others consider as outright disinformation, and what they feel has no place to be on Librti. In some cases, people have radically opposing viewpoints, and as such, they can't come to an agreement or find a compromise. Until today, there was no way around it, and it made the experience unpleasant for some members of the Librti community.

We're happy to announce that starting from today, when you block a person by going to their profile page and pressing BLOCK, you will not see their content anymore anywhere on the Librti platform, and they will not see your content anymore as well.

We encourage you to attempt to find common ground, or accept your differences, but if that proves to be impossible you now have this final-resort option. So if you decide that you wont want to see content from a particular person on Librti or that you don't want someone seeing your content anymore, just block them. That should make the experience more enjoyable for everyone involved.

If you've had to stop using Librti because of content you could no longer tolerate, we are now inviting you to give Librti another try. 

On another note, we have improved the sharing function across the entire Librti platform. If a post or video is set as visible to the general public (to be visible for guests), then it can be shared on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Telegram, Email, or by copying a link. However, if a post or video can't be seen by the general public, and is marked as visible only to logged-in Librti members, then you will only have the option to share that post or video through Telegram, Email, or by copying a link. Moving forward, please keep that in mind when sharing content.

Thank you for your continued support, feedback, and patience, while we are working day and night on improving Librti. This is extremely vital for keeping the proverbial doors open and lights on, here at and for us to be able to continue dedicating ourselves to improving the platform, creating, and featuring solutions for all of us.

You can send a donation through Donorbox, e-transfer to, buy clothes from Librti Shop, or subscribe to a Premium or Visionary account.

Alternatively, you can send cheques, cash, or silver by mail to Librti Alliance Inc., Suite #239, 210A - 12A Street N, Lethbridge, AB T1H 2J1.


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