Legislation on the Horizon - Please Read Entirely - Action Required

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Dear Librti family,

On the horizon sits the implications of Bill C- 10 and now Bill C-36. We all love this community and our ability to connect and share critical information. These Bills have the potential to change how we operate, although “how” is unknown at this time. This subject is extremely important because it could affect all of us and the longevity of this platform. We believe in honest, transparent communication, and that is why we are writing to you now.

We have had several members report that Librti Terms of Service are being violated in various ways. It is critical that our Terms of Services are abided by, they provide a roadmap of what is acceptable on the website and what is not.  

Our team is small in proportion to the rate at which Librti is growing, as such, managing these types of complaints individually takes an inordinate amount of time because we strive to preserve relationships and work with people rather than suspending or deleting accounts. We will not censor information that you share, however generalizing a race as evil, dirty, etc. will not be tolerated, period. Librti is a place of refuge, freedom, and represents, at least for us, everything that we have lost thus far – and we must protect that.  We took action on the reports and we decided to bring this to the community for reflection. 

We are personally challenging everyone to engage on this platform with love in your heart, the willingness to understand that we are all in different places in terms of our understanding and acceptance of the world, to use respectful language, to offer support – basically to treat others as you would want to be treated yourself. From our perspective, embracing this philosophy will increase wellness and increase and deepen relationships.   

From this day forward, let us all clean the slate, start over, and keep Librti standing tall and righteous. If you have made posts that are questionable in relation to the Terms of Service, please edit your post to be respectful or remove it. Going forward, users that are reported for violating Terms of Service will be asked to leave the platform no questions asked.

Librti needs to be much better prepared for the challenges that lie ahead of us. We would appreciate any support you can afford to give, whether it be upgrading to a Premium or Visionary membership or making a monthly or a one-time donation. Thank you kindly to those of you who are already supporting Librti and please continue to share Librti far and wide.

Much love to you and your loved ones, let us continue to come together in spite of forces that are trying to mold our country into an unrecognizable land.  


Odessa, Norbert, Roman, and Dione 

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