Victoria Declaration

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Victoria Declaration

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The Victoria DeclarationClaiming Our Rights and Freedoms

The Victoria Declaration presents a foundation for the restoration of humanity.Its authors declare that humanity is at a critical juncture because collectively we have failed to grasp the significance of the events unfolding around us and to respond appropriately.

It is only through being conscious of every word we whisper and every action we take, that we will be able to co-create a future where human rights and freedoms are revered and honored for all of humanity.

The Victoria Declaration is for you, your family, your community, your city, your nation – for humanity itself in all of its sovereign expressions.

Please take this document and share it, evolve it, express it, and make it your own.May our voices joined in harmony be insurmountable.


Humanity is on a Precipice

There is little argument that governments globally are exceeding their delegated authority.

To permit this unfettered abuse of power is to risk losing the natural rights and freedoms that are the heritage of all people and the foundation of free and just societies. 

History shows that humanity has often been exploited by the machinations of tyrants, opportunists, oligarchs, and oppressors. 

History further reveals that rights and freedoms are never returned willingly. Rather, it is the oppressed themselves who ultimately reclaim and preserve human rights that benefit humanity. 

One of the consequences of tyranny is that we individually and collectively affirm what we are willing to accept from those to whom we delegate power. Tyranny also clarifies what we are willing to fight for and perhaps even die for.

It is the duty of every human to ensure that fundamental human rights are upheld. The consequence of failing to stand up and curtail tyranny is to risk losing all that we hold precious and to condemn future generations to lives of servitude. 

This declaration is a call to true humanitarians to stand united in the task of claiming our rights and freedoms.

A Monumental Betrayal of Trust

Governments globally have indiscriminately and immorally destroyed local economies, shuttered businesses, places of worship, and schools, restricted personal movement, mandated unwarranted behaviors, imposed unproven medical interventions, and eliminated the most basic of human rights and freedoms. All of this in the absence of true authority, evidence of benefit, accountability, and in blatant disregard of the overwhelming damage to the health and well-being of the populace.

The current crisis has exposed the dangers inherent in assumed and unfettered power:

  1. The absence of bona fide debate in parliaments and legislatures.

  1. The failure of governments to protect the health, safety and well-being of the people, while instituting unilateral measures to protect those in power from being held accountable for harms to the commons.

  1. The overt bias and distortion of facts, along with censorship, practiced by government authorities and media who have been entrusted to share public information truthfully and faithfully.

  1. The capture of governments by self-serving corporations which undermine the ethical and democratic duties of governments to protect fundamental human rights and freedoms.

  1. The intrusion of a corporate agenda into our systems of governance, education, science, medicine, environmental protection, and food production that is not in alignment with what is best for humanity.

These unethical legislative and judiciary actions are evidenced by a fundamental change to our common law which transfers the supremacy of the individual to the supremacy of the state. This intolerable betrayal by those charged with protecting the human rights and best interests of the population is an extreme breach of trust and is so insidious, yet dire, that it causes many to deny this betrayal is happening. 

We declare our abhorrence of governments, corporations, NGOs and media that fraudulently promote:

  1. Unjustified measures that are not based in scientific or historical evidence which result in poverty through the loss of livelihoods, life savings and businesses, increased rates of depression, spousal and child abuse, drug overdose, deathsfrom the inability to access medical treatment, along with untold numbers of other serious consequences.

  1. Mandates/coercive measures designed to increase compliance in human experimentation causing additional and unnecessary harms – in violation of well-established international human rights doctrines such as the Nuremberg Code.

Governmental authority is limited to the authority we delegate to them. This social contract is based on public acceptance of governmental actions being in the best interest of humanity. 

When governments exceed their authority, they lose the authority to govern.

Our Best Path Forward

This collective declaration is a call to embolden humanity to stand united to stop all forms of tyranny, and to reclaim our right to live in freedom and aspire to our dreams in the full expression of all that human life can be. For this reason, the Victoria Declaration begins with a personal declaration of self-recognition and responsibility.

We Accept Our Responsibility

It is our responsibility to take back what we have allowed to be taken from us and to protect our inalienable rights and freedoms. We must recognize with clarity and compassion that:

  1. We are not mere bystanders to these events, and wittingly or unwittingly, have abdicated control over our own destiny and become complicit in our own disempowerment.

  1. Only with ruthless individual reflection, recognizing our past roles, our vulnerabilities, and responsibilities, will we gather our strength and our courage to stand in our power to claim sovereignty over our lives and futures.

  1. We must recognize what lies ahead and connect with our divine/spiritual essence and community on this path for truth, in order to assume the necessary self-determination to create a posterity of healthy and prosperous individuals living in freedom.

We Claim Our Sacred Inheritance

We present the Victoria Declaration as an expression of our historically recognized divine rights on behalf of all who seek freedom based on the understanding that:

  1. We are free born with fundamental and inalienable rights of freedom and sovereignty that are our sacred inheritance, and that these rights and freedoms are inherent and non-negotiable.

  1. We proclaim our right and responsibility as a free people to pursue greater harmony, peace, and cooperation without unwarranted and unethical hindrance from the State.

  1. Through the freedom bestowed upon us and enshrined within us, we have a responsibility to care for each other and to protect, preserve and sustain humanity, all the species of the earth, and the Earth herself.

  1. It is our lawful and rightful responsibility to assert and defend the rights and freedoms we declare here on behalf of all persons globally.

Declaration of Human Sovereignty and Freedom 

Natural rights and freedoms exist because of our intrinsic humanness. Natural rights are neither negotiable, extinguishable, nor do they lapse. We declare that all governments must recognize this sacred attribute as existing prior to the formation of any governments, and that this attribute is not of their creation.

We hold the following freedoms for all inhabitants of the Earth, in sacred trust for our individual and collective future, and for generations to come:

Pursuit of HappinessWe declare our right to pursue happiness in all aspects of our lives, congruent with the respect for the rights of others.

The Absolute Right to Life and Bodily SovereigntyWe declare our sole and natural sovereign right to make all decisions pertaining to bodily care and maintenance, free from interference or infringements of treatments or medicines, except with our fully informed permission, free from coercion by others, including medical professionals, educators, employers, businesses, community organizations, and governments.

We further declare our sovereign and inviolable right of ownership of all biological and genetic material that comprise our bodies, and for all decisions and use in relation to same, including after death. 

We further declare our inalienable right to all medical treatments of our choice, whether recognized by medicine/physicians/governments or not.

Security of the PersonWe declare our right to security of the person - a basic entitlement acknowledged by various declarations and laws around the world. This right is not bestowed upon us by governments, but rather recognized by governments as a guiding foundational principle.

Freedom to AssembleWe declare our right as individuals to physically and freely move, associate and assemble with others in the expression, promotion, pursuit, or defense of common interests; and to stand as individuals while expressing our individual views in concert with other individuals or groups.

Freedom of Access to InformationWe declare our right to access, to receive and to share information freely without censorship or obstruction in any form by governments, corporations, international organizations, or the media.

Freedom of SpeechWe declare our right to the exchange of ideas in private and in public discourse, free from excessive cultural, legal or arbitrary controls; free from subtle or overt suppression of unconventional views or expressions of political opinion; free from coercion by either the majority or the minority; free from regulation, limitation or censorship by governments, corporations, international organizations or the media. This includes the right to question and the right to disagree; all the above limited only by established laws of libel, defamation and/or slander.

Freedom to WorshipWe declare our right to physically and freely exercise our personal expression of faith or religion in our day-to-day lives both in private and in public, as individuals or in community, free from limitation or restriction on prayer or the private or public observance of traditional rites or holidays.

Freedom to Earn a LivingWe declare our right to freely work, and to enjoy and share the fruits of our labour, our skills, our knowledge and experience without arbitrary restriction or hindrance. This includes the right to freely own and enjoy property.

Government Transparency and AccountabilityWe declare our right to full transparency from the government, its agencies, and public servants in all of their dealings, insofar as their authority is delegated to them by the people whom they are obliged to serve.

Freedom to Petition for RedressWe declare our right to petition any Government, government agency, national entity or political entity for a redress of grievances.

Freedom to Resist, Protest and RebelWe declare our right to resist, protest and rebel against, and to overthrow, if necessary, any government that assumes more authority than we allow, and acts to oppress or endanger the well-being and safety of individuals.

Right to a Fair, Independent, and Unbiased JudiciaryWe declare our right to a fair, independent, and unbiased judiciary, and obliged to protect the fundamental rights of all people.

Right to Personal PrivacyWe declare our absolute right to privacy, free of harassment or surveillance, prohibition from intrusion without warrant or substantiated cause.

We Command that Elected Government Officials and their Agents Acknowledge:

  1. That the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this declaration are sacred and inviolable.

  1. That their respective duties of service to the people under their oaths of allegiance and of office obligate them to honour and protect these rights and freedoms, people’s lives, livelihood, and well-being.

  1. That all elected government representatives, government health agencies, and mainstream media reverse immediately the promotion and continuation of the disastrous and oppressive policies implemented in response to this declared pandemic and take immediate measures to mitigate the damage caused by those policies.

We Commit to the Development of an Independent Citizen Body to Investigate:

  1. How decisions were made to not follow established pandemic protocols and why the weight of bona fide science and informed voices were excluded from the decision-making process and the management of this crisis.

  1. How decisions were made to deny access to recognized prevention and treatment strategies known to treat successfully most patients at all stages of disease.

  1. How decisions were made to promote ‘vaccines’ as the only way back to “normal.”

  1. How decisions were made to aggressively and exclusively market to healthy people and to those at near zero risk of death from the illness itself, inadequately tested experimental pharmaceutical products, when manufacturers themselves admit their products do not immunize against infection, nor prevent transmission.

  1. How mainstream media globally has been reduced to a single voice that propagandizes impending doom, broadcasts fraudulent ‘facts’, and stokes the flames of panic, to the exclusion of all other voices or opinions.

  1. How to hold to account legally and financially, the individuals, corporations, government officials (including in their personal capacities), organizations and authorities that perpetrated this disaster, and to initiate a reparations process for damages inflicted upon the people of the world to be paid by those individuals, corporations, and authorities responsible.

We Do Hereby Declare from This Day Forward:

  1. That we will collectively rise up, speak up and disobey harmful and tyrannical orders to ensure that future generations may thrive, reaching their full potential in health and happiness, free of domination by those that have assumed powers not granted to them by their people.

  1. That we will stand in our power and authority and reclaim what has been unlawfully and immorally taken from us.

  1. That any authority delegated to governments will be revoked should they fail to uphold and protect the rights and freedoms of humanity.

  1. That commands herein not honored will be met with resistance, as the exclusive choice of each individual, by whatever means necessary, being reasonable and proportionate to the refusal or failure of governments to comply with these commands.

We are facing an unprecedented coordinated assault on our humanity. This is a battle where we must unite to reclaim and assert our divine responsibilities, rights and freedoms.

Therefore, with all the power that I hold, I pledge to resist all violations of human rights and freedoms, to demand justice and to help renew our humanity.

Signatures (3253)
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