"A Revolution of Love" - GPMS Update & Strategy - Nov. 25, 2024

"The Revolution of Love" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaykbM3WFVI

Full Matt & Joy Kahn [unity] video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mornR05tGSQ

We are unconditionally moving to the New Earth. This will occur while moving away from the old world paradigms, rendering them irrelevant. After 55 months of elevating consciousness, converging signs are letting us know that, at the end of 2024 [the year of disclosure], we are finally starting to see the light. As many of our brothers & sisters are at breaking points, this is good news. Our own powerful free wills define our future.

Brutal Truth - reference to global child malnutrition - https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/the-hunger-crisis/world-hunger-facts/

Update 30nov24 - The information contained within our physical Truth Centre (largely dismantled April 2024 - now online - www.rebuildthenation.ca) constitutes a 4 year dive into what registered (intuitively) as a hoax, March 2020.  The emergent result of this research retroactively confirms & explains 65 years of life experience on the topic of human physiology, the foundation of what is termed "disease" and widespread poisoning as it relates to biological functioning.  It is highly unlikely that something will come forward to refute what has been found during the past 55 months, in keeping with the findings of Christine Massey, as noted above.  Love & gratitude, Dave & Susan Shearer, researchers/creators of the Truth Centre.

"A Revolution of Love" - GPMS Update & Strategy - Nov. 25, 2024

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"The Revolution of Love" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaykbM3WFVI

Full Matt & Joy Kahn [unity] video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mornR05tGSQ

We are unconditionally moving to the New Earth. This will occur while moving away from the old world paradigms, rendering them irrelevant. After 55 months of elevating consciousness, converging signs are letting us know that, at the end of 2024 [the year of disclosure], we are finally starting to see the light. As many of our brothers & sisters are at breaking points, this is good news. Our own powerful free wills define our future.

Brutal Truth - reference to global child malnutrition - https://www.actionagainsthunger.org/the-hunger-crisis/world-hunger-facts/

Update 30nov24 - The information contained within our physical Truth Centre (largely dismantled April 2024 - now online - www.rebuildthenation.ca) constitutes a 4 year dive into what registered (intuitively) as a hoax, March 2020.  The emergent result of this research retroactively confirms & explains 65 years of life experience on the topic of human physiology, the foundation of what is termed "disease" and widespread poisoning as it relates to biological functioning.  It is highly unlikely that something will come forward to refute what has been found during the past 55 months, in keeping with the findings of Christine Massey, as noted above.  Love & gratitude, Dave & Susan Shearer, researchers/creators of the Truth Centre.

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