"Everything is as it should be" [Hawkins] as Relates to Divine Presence {Status Update}

The march to eternal Light & Life (aka establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) will be brought forth by the collaboration of our brothers & sisters providing off-world assistance. While this was formally initiated 14 months ago, we are now at a juncture where visual confirmation is the order of the day. This firm advancement of disclosure follows what was initiated in 2024 (The Year of Disclosure) and stands as the ultimate shake down of reality, in this process before us all. It is important to recognize that off world assistance is NOT a domineering take over mission but rather a unification that requires a level of support from the Earth population. The cover photo refers to a local photograph taken approximately 19 months ago - there is a reference to this photograph in the attached Farsight video reference - November meeting.

Farsight Board Meetings - November & December - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stKk4T6Mrfs & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3-Sx-p5zVQ

Should be "... on both sides of the border and both sides of the water..."

"Everything is as it should be" [Hawkins] as Relates to Divine Presence {Status Update}

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The march to eternal Light & Life (aka establishing the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) will be brought forth by the collaboration of our brothers & sisters providing off-world assistance. While this was formally initiated 14 months ago, we are now at a juncture where visual confirmation is the order of the day. This firm advancement of disclosure follows what was initiated in 2024 (The Year of Disclosure) and stands as the ultimate shake down of reality, in this process before us all. It is important to recognize that off world assistance is NOT a domineering take over mission but rather a unification that requires a level of support from the Earth population. The cover photo refers to a local photograph taken approximately 19 months ago - there is a reference to this photograph in the attached Farsight video reference - November meeting.

Farsight Board Meetings - November & December - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stKk4T6Mrfs & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3-Sx-p5zVQ

Should be "... on both sides of the border and both sides of the water..."

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