[INTERVIEW] Emergencies Act Inquiry Update 2 With Eva Chipiuk, Freedom Convoy Group Lawyer

After 12 days at the Emergencies Act Inquiry, police officials continue to destroy Trudeau’s justifications for invoking the Emergencies Measures Act. Join us, as Eva Chipiuk, co-counsel for the freedom rights movement, updates on the latest from the proceedings in Ottawa as well as the disappointing dismissal of her client’s, Brian Peckford, federal lawsuit against the travel vaccine mandate.


[INTERVIEW] Emergencies Act Inquiry Update 2 With Eva Chipiuk, Freedom Convoy Group Lawyer

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After 12 days at the Emergencies Act Inquiry, police officials continue to destroy Trudeau’s justifications for invoking the Emergencies Measures Act. Join us, as Eva Chipiuk, co-counsel for the freedom rights movement, updates on the latest from the proceedings in Ottawa as well as the disappointing dismissal of her client’s, Brian Peckford, federal lawsuit against the travel vaccine mandate.

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