[INTERVIEW] Emergencies Act Inquiry With Eva Chipiuk (Nov 21, 2022)

Join us for this update with Freedom Corp counsel, Eva Chipiuk, as we again catch you up on the latest from the Emergencies Act Inquiry with federal departments testifying and what to look for in the week ahead with elected officials, like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland.

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[INTERVIEW] Emergencies Act Inquiry With Eva Chipiuk (Nov 21, 2022)

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Join us for this update with Freedom Corp counsel, Eva Chipiuk, as we again catch you up on the latest from the Emergencies Act Inquiry with federal departments testifying and what to look for in the week ahead with elected officials, like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland.

We urgently need your help. Even $10 goes a long way to helping fund Bright Light News. Donate today at https://donorbox.org/help-bright-light-news-deliver-facts-the-mainstream-media-won-t or by etransfer to gord@brightlightnews.com

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