[TRAILER] Edward Dowd's Unsettling Conclusion on Why Natural Therapies Were Banned During Covid

[TRAILER] Edward Dowd, Wall St. analyst and former BlackRock portfolio manager, gives an unsettling conclusion on why certain govts banned the use of natural therapies specifically for Covid only.

FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/interview-global-vaccine-deaths-are-eye-popping-and-at-minumum-a-cover-up-edward-dowd/

[TRAILER] Edward Dowd's Unsettling Conclusion on Why Natural Therapies Were Banned During Covid

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[TRAILER] Edward Dowd, Wall St. analyst and former BlackRock portfolio manager, gives an unsettling conclusion on why certain govts banned the use of natural therapies specifically for Covid only.

FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/interview-global-vaccine-deaths-are-eye-popping-and-at-minumum-a-cover-up-edward-dowd/

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