[TRAILER] Fabricated Global Crises Are Provoking Centralized Global Control -Nick Hudson, PANDA

[TRAILER] "What precedes [central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)] is a political agenda," says PanData chairman Nick Hudson. "Covid and the climate change narrative make it very clear to us that that agenda is related to the desire to control human populations."

WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/interview-fabricated-global-crises-are-provoking-centralized-global-control-nick-hudson-panda/

[TRAILER] Fabricated Global Crises Are Provoking Centralized Global Control -Nick Hudson, PANDA

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[TRAILER] "What precedes [central bank digital currencies (CBDCs)] is a political agenda," says PanData chairman Nick Hudson. "Covid and the climate change narrative make it very clear to us that that agenda is related to the desire to control human populations."

WATCH THE FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/interview-fabricated-global-crises-are-provoking-centralized-global-control-nick-hudson-panda/

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