[TRAILER] Federal Govt Influencing Charges Against Officer Investigating SIDS Deaths -Donald Best, Former Toronto Police

[TRAILER] Former Toronto Police Sargeant Donald Best says there is written evidence that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) influenced the Ottawa Police’s investigation into one of its officers, Detective Helen Grus, for investigating the Covid-vaccine status of mothers related in 9 sudden infant deaths.

Join us for this explosive interview investigating Big Pharma’s role in corrupting govts and in turn police investigations.

WATCH FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/phac-influenced-charges-against-officer-investigating-sids-deaths-donald-best/

[TRAILER] Federal Govt Influencing Charges Against Officer Investigating SIDS Deaths -Donald Best, Former Toronto Police

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[TRAILER] Former Toronto Police Sargeant Donald Best says there is written evidence that the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) influenced the Ottawa Police’s investigation into one of its officers, Detective Helen Grus, for investigating the Covid-vaccine status of mothers related in 9 sudden infant deaths.

Join us for this explosive interview investigating Big Pharma’s role in corrupting govts and in turn police investigations.

WATCH FULL INTERVIEW: https://brightlightnews.com/phac-influenced-charges-against-officer-investigating-sids-deaths-donald-best/

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