"Welcome to the Medical Doctor Package" PowerPoint presentation

Welcome to the Medical Doctor Package! Unity Health & Sciences presents a 30-min PowerPoint video that describes "What is the Medical Doctor Package?", "How to Deliver the Medical Doctor Package?" and "Where to submit a Delivery Report for all of your Medical Doctor Package deliveries?" Learn how you can contribute within your local community and help build a growing database of Medical Doctor Package deliveries to physicians, pharmacists, medical practitioners, and more... More information available at www.medicaldoctorpackage.com.


"Welcome to the Medical Doctor Package" PowerPoint presentation

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Welcome to the Medical Doctor Package! Unity Health & Sciences presents a 30-min PowerPoint video that describes "What is the Medical Doctor Package?", "How to Deliver the Medical Doctor Package?" and "Where to submit a Delivery Report for all of your Medical Doctor Package deliveries?" Learn how you can contribute within your local community and help build a growing database of Medical Doctor Package deliveries to physicians, pharmacists, medical practitioners, and more... More information available at www.medicaldoctorpackage.com.

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