“Why I STOPPED Being A Zionist”

“Why I STOPPED Being A Zionist”

November 24, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show

Thanks to the Israeli military’s brutal assault on Gaza, many stalwart Zionists are waking up to the reality of the occupation and what life is like for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.  We highlight one video published by a young American Jewish woman who explains everything she’s learned recently about the occupation and why she’s had to let go of her former Zionist beliefs.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss what it takes to shake someone’s core inculcation after a lifetime of propaganda.

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“Why I STOPPED Being A Zionist”

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“Why I STOPPED Being A Zionist”

November 24, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show

Thanks to the Israeli military’s brutal assault on Gaza, many stalwart Zionists are waking up to the reality of the occupation and what life is like for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.  We highlight one video published by a young American Jewish woman who explains everything she’s learned recently about the occupation and why she’s had to let go of her former Zionist beliefs.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss what it takes to shake someone’s core inculcation after a lifetime of propaganda.

also available:


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