2025 Gold's Astronomical Rise That Keeps Going: Why Mainstream News Won't Cover It & Why It Matters.

And the honest experts say it is just getting started:

Live interview & also video from other experts. Over a 50% return over the past few years, and experts say it is just getting started. Join us in this interesting and important conversation about Canada's tanking economy, dropping dollar, tariffs, socialism, mass immigration, joblessness, fake money bubbles and more:

Feb 19th FREE:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/silver-gold-investing-webinar-registration-1238175749999  OR libertytalkcanada.ca/gold

Also: https://youtu.be/AuB8htLHViI?si=lkzJAGWP7dGN63pY



2025 Gold's Astronomical Rise That Keeps Going: Why Mainstream News Won't Cover It & Why It Matters.

1,305 Views  ·   ·  Investing
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And the honest experts say it is just getting started:

Live interview & also video from other experts. Over a 50% return over the past few years, and experts say it is just getting started. Join us in this interesting and important conversation about Canada's tanking economy, dropping dollar, tariffs, socialism, mass immigration, joblessness, fake money bubbles and more:

Feb 19th FREE:  https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/silver-gold-investing-webinar-registration-1238175749999  OR libertytalkcanada.ca/gold

Also: https://youtu.be/AuB8htLHViI?si=lkzJAGWP7dGN63pY


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