5 People: Personal Choice over Medical Force. Mandates Violate Libertarian Beliefs

The BC Libertarian Party wrote political beliefs exemption letters for dozens of employees being threatened with losing their jobs for their medical choices.  5 brave individuals have chosen to share their stories.  Forcing a medical treatment on someone under threat, force and coercion is wrong and violates our core Libertarian values. 

1. That no individual or group is permitted to initiate the use of force or fraud against any other, 2. That the universal natural rights to life, liberty, property, expression, and the peaceful pursuit of happiness are essential to the preservation of civil society 3. That the role of government is to protect and preserve such rights, and 4. That the citizens of British Columbia have the right to defend and be defended from those persons or institutions that seek to diminish any of the above principles.

We are the only Provincial Political Party that has been speaking for freedom since 1986 and has been against mandates and restrictions from the very beginning. 

Governments should not be forcing medical treatments on their employees or citizens.

Courtney - Fired by an Okanagan Winery Morag - CT Technologist seeing concerning trends in the hospital Cory - Pregnant mother threatened with not allowing her husband in the delivery roomHeather - Homeless Shelter worker. Resigned rather than take an injection. Robert - Dentist under threat of not being able to practice.


5 People: Personal Choice over Medical Force. Mandates Violate Libertarian Beliefs

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The BC Libertarian Party wrote political beliefs exemption letters for dozens of employees being threatened with losing their jobs for their medical choices.  5 brave individuals have chosen to share their stories.  Forcing a medical treatment on someone under threat, force and coercion is wrong and violates our core Libertarian values. 

1. That no individual or group is permitted to initiate the use of force or fraud against any other,
2. That the universal natural rights to life, liberty, property, expression, and the peaceful pursuit of happiness are essential to the preservation of civil society
3. That the role of government is to protect and preserve such rights, and
4. That the citizens of British Columbia have the right to defend and be defended from those persons or institutions that seek to diminish any of the above principles.

We are the only Provincial Political Party that has been speaking for freedom since 1986 and has been against mandates and restrictions from the very beginning. 

Governments should not be forcing medical treatments on their employees or citizens.

Courtney - Fired by an Okanagan Winery
Morag - CT Technologist seeing concerning trends in the hospital
Cory - Pregnant mother threatened with not allowing her husband in the delivery room
Heather - Homeless Shelter worker. Resigned rather than take an injection.
Robert - Dentist under threat of not being able to practice.


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