A Discussion with GPMS Founder Rick Jewers

As allegiance to the old world weakens, there are now just under 318,000 individuals who wish to implement the New Earth (the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) and end pain & suffering for the entire global population. That is to bring forth eternal peace, freedom & abundance to all, as Divinity would have it be. This discussion is about the overview of what GPMS.WORLD intends to bring forth. Any questions or concerns can be delivered to the email addresses on the website. My email: divergentrealities1@gmail.com.

Apologies for interruption - I could not see on my task bar that I was recording!

A Discussion with GPMS Founder Rick Jewers

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As allegiance to the old world weakens, there are now just under 318,000 individuals who wish to implement the New Earth (the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) and end pain & suffering for the entire global population. That is to bring forth eternal peace, freedom & abundance to all, as Divinity would have it be. This discussion is about the overview of what GPMS.WORLD intends to bring forth. Any questions or concerns can be delivered to the email addresses on the website. My email: divergentrealities1@gmail.com.

Apologies for interruption - I could not see on my task bar that I was recording!

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