A Pandemic of Lies (updated)

DOWNLOAD a copy of this video for sharing - www.ValuesGov.caIt doesn't take much research to understand that, in the words of Dr. Hodkinson - "This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public ever in human history." The level of corruption, duplicity and treason being foisted on unsuspecting Canadians in the guise of "public health" is staggering. As usual, you can go to www.valuesgov.ca and download a copy of this video for sharing on social media, your own website or wherever you deem appropriate.


A Pandemic of Lies (updated)

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DOWNLOAD a copy of this video for sharing - www.ValuesGov.ca
It doesn't take much research to understand that, in the words of Dr. Hodkinson - "This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public ever in human history." The level of corruption, duplicity and treason being foisted on unsuspecting Canadians in the guise of "public health" is staggering. As usual, you can go to www.valuesgov.ca and download a copy of this video for sharing on social media, your own website or wherever you deem appropriate.

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