Aint no Rock and Roll

Most of our rock stars were no where to be found during the plandemic years. But in fact, were getting paid to endorse the jab. The song more or less explains itself. It's worth the listen and's almost Friday night and the musics right! The artist of this song was in the fight all the way and composed many freedom songs through it all. Hats off to the band "Five Times August" Aint no Rock and Roll.


Aint no Rock and Roll

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Most of our rock stars were no where to be found during the plandemic years. But in fact, were getting paid to endorse the jab. The song more or less explains itself. It's worth the listen and's almost Friday night and the musics right! The artist of this song was in the fight all the way and composed many freedom songs through it all. Hats off to the band "Five Times August" Aint no Rock and Roll.

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