Assange Pseudo Democracies

US WINS Assange Extradition Appeal – WikiLeaks Co-Founder Faces 175 YRS Prison

The UK High Court has granted the US government’s appeal over the refusal to extradite Julian Assange, leaving the WikiLeaks co-founder to face 175 YEARS in prison if convicted.

The US charged Assange with a number of crimes related to his communications with whistleblowers, most importantly Chelsea Manning, who leaked to WikiLeaks classified materials about US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The High Court is reportedly satisfied with the diplomatic assurances provided by the US that Assange won't be placed under Special Administrative Measure in America.Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris says the Friday high court decision is a “grave miscarriage of justice.”


Assange Pseudo Democracies

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US WINS Assange Extradition Appeal – WikiLeaks Co-Founder Faces 175 YRS Prison

The UK High Court has granted the US government’s appeal over the refusal to extradite Julian Assange, leaving the WikiLeaks co-founder to face 175 YEARS in prison if convicted.

The US charged Assange with a number of crimes related to his communications with whistleblowers, most importantly Chelsea Manning, who leaked to WikiLeaks classified materials about US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The High Court is reportedly satisfied with the diplomatic assurances provided by the US that Assange won't be placed under Special Administrative Measure in America.
Assange’s fiancée Stella Moris says the Friday high court decision is a “grave miscarriage of justice.”

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