BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare & Propaganda with Drs. Robert Malone, Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi

A short reel from Bright Light News' Fifth Gen Warfare & Propaganda with Drs. Robert Malone, Jill Glasspool-Malone, Byram Bridle and Mark Trozzi Sept. 20th in Toronto!

Audience members agree that it was an incredibly empowering and informative evening. Full event video coming soon!

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BLN4: Fifth Gen Warfare & Propaganda with Drs. Robert Malone, Jill Malone, Byram Bridle & Mark Trozzi

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A short reel from Bright Light News' Fifth Gen Warfare & Propaganda with Drs. Robert Malone, Jill Glasspool-Malone, Byram Bridle and Mark Trozzi Sept. 20th in Toronto!

Audience members agree that it was an incredibly empowering and informative evening. Full event video coming soon!

Help us continue bringing you the cutting-edge experts and info you want. Donate today at or by etransfer to

Thanks to for your outstanding film work!

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