Brad Johnson - China, the Social Credit System and Your Privacy & Liberty

Brad Johnson is a retired CIA senior operations officer and has served as chief of station in different parts of the world. He is the president of Americans for Intelligence Reform.
“I have lived and worked in other countries and have seen what it is like where the government has unchecked power and it must be stopped.
Please help us speak out on this with an aggressive media campaign and organized effort to keep the US Constitution the supreme law of the land.”
Mr. Johnson has been featured on television, on-line media, radio broadcasts and in print including Fox News, One American News Network, The Epoch Times.
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The Forum for Canadian Sovereignty and Liberty Talk Canada are focused on creating investigative, educational content to help share important information with the general public that the mainstream media will not cover.If you would like to support our work donate below:Send email etransfers to Forum for Canadian Sovereignty to

Brad Johnson - China, the Social Credit System and Your Privacy & Liberty

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Brad Johnson is a retired CIA senior operations officer and has served as chief of station in different parts of the world. He is the president of Americans for Intelligence Reform.

“I have lived and worked in other countries and have seen what it is like where the government has unchecked power and it must be stopped.
Please help us speak out on this with an aggressive media campaign and organized effort to keep the US Constitution the supreme law of the land.”

Mr. Johnson has been featured on television, on-line media, radio broadcasts and in print including Fox News, One American News Network, The Epoch Times.

Help Support The Creation of More Valuable Educational Content Like this Great Reset Summit.

The Forum for Canadian Sovereignty and Liberty Talk Canada are focused on creating investigative, educational content to help share important information with the general public that the mainstream media will not cover.If you would like to support our work donate below:Send email etransfers to Forum for Canadian Sovereignty to
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