Cancer-Parasite-Lyme Connection plus Other Anti-Nano Tips

Apologies for somewhat low sound! Links mentioned in the video are below. Please join me on the first 3 Thursdays of every month at 4pm (4 Thursdays this month) on Telegram live for some Q & A on health topics around chronic illness recovery & other things.

Video Proof: Cancer is Caused by Parasites: 

A Deep Look Beyond Lyme:

Cancer-Parasite-Lyme Connection plus Other Anti-Nano Tips

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Apologies for somewhat low sound! Links mentioned in the video are below. Please join me on the first 3 Thursdays of every month at 4pm (4 Thursdays this month) on Telegram live for some Q & A on health topics around chronic illness recovery & other things.

Video Proof: Cancer is Caused by Parasites: 

A Deep Look Beyond Lyme:

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