Christine Anderson of MEP at EU trashes Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism.

Christine Anderson of MEP at EU trashes Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism. Look at his facial expression, priceless...Christine Anderson@AndersonAfDMdEP·6h March 24, 2022 See also: Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺@mislavkolakusicPM Trudeau, in recent months, under your quasi-liberal boot, Canada 🇨🇦 has become a symbol of civil rights violations. The methods we have witnessed may be liberal to you, but to many citizens around the🌎it seemed like a dictatorship of the worst kind.

🇨🇦🇬🇧| Yesterday, Canada's Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau  visited the Parliament to give a speech. I took the opportunity to give him an appropriate "welcome" there. Short, concise and right hitting the bull's eye! on the same link as below.

Christine Anderson trashes Canada's fruit-loop traitor and dictator Justin Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism. Finally, someone sees what many of us have seen. Lock his sorry ass up!Source: Trew Tube1.22K subscribersEuropean MP trashes Prime Minister Trudeau and takes him to task for his authoritarianism, mistreatment of Canadians and his hypocrisy. @AndersonAfDMdEP

Stand. Rise up! DEFY. Do NOT comply! Live

This channel and the Jim Fannon Show Podcast consist of older terrestrial radio shows and current interviews and performances by friendly musicians, movie industry influencers, media personalities and a variety of general interest clips. Interact with the community and you’ll no doubt, get a response from @JimFannonShow



Christine Anderson of MEP at EU trashes Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism.

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Christine Anderson of MEP at EU trashes Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism. Look at his facial expression, priceless...Christine Anderson
6h March 24, 2022 See also: Mislav Kolakusic MEP 🇭🇷🇪🇺
PM Trudeau, in recent months, under your quasi-liberal boot, Canada 🇨🇦 has become a symbol of civil rights violations. The methods we have witnessed may be liberal to you, but to many citizens around the🌎it seemed like a dictatorship of the worst kind.

🇨🇦🇬🇧| Yesterday, Canada's Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau
  visited the #EU Parliament to give a speech. I took the opportunity to give him an appropriate "welcome" there. Short, concise and right hitting the bull's eye! #ID on the same link as below.

Christine Anderson trashes Canada's fruit-loop traitor and dictator Justin Trudeau as a disgrace to democracy and for his authoritarianism. Finally, someone sees what many of us have seen. Lock his sorry ass up!
Source: Trew Tube
1.22K subscribers
European MP trashes Prime Minister Trudeau and takes him to task for his authoritarianism, mistreatment of Canadians and his hypocrisy. @AndersonAfDMdEP

Stand. Rise up! DEFY. Do NOT comply! #JFS Live

This channel and the Jim Fannon Show Podcast consist of older terrestrial radio shows and current interviews and performances by friendly musicians, movie industry influencers, media personalities and a variety of general interest clips. Interact with the community and you’ll no doubt, get a response from @JimFannonShow


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