Comox Community Town Hall excerpt - Opening statements

Excerpt from Comox town hall meeting May 13, 2024 - Restoring a Local Agenda over a Global Agenda. City Councils are planning to cut energy use in half by 2030. Can you imagine what this looks like in practical terms? Can you imagine the hardship this will cause?

Watch the full meeting here:

Please re-post and share thru many social media channels if you find this information of value.

Discussion surrounds addressing some of the following topics and possible ways forward (solutions):

• 15 Minute cities and it's effect on OCP's

• Taxes and regulations and how these will impact your pocket book

• Home ownership and business restrictions

• Mobility rights/future restrictions

• United Nations Net Zero policies

• Energy Security

Presentations by Geri Pearson-Murray, Andrew Pearson, Sue Wali Cook & Suzanne Schiller

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Comox Community Town Hall excerpt - Opening statements

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Excerpt from Comox town hall meeting May 13, 2024 - Restoring a Local Agenda over a Global Agenda. City Councils are planning to cut energy use in half by 2030. Can you imagine what this looks like in practical terms? Can you imagine the hardship this will cause?

Watch the full meeting here:

Please re-post and share thru many social media channels if you find this information of value.

Discussion surrounds addressing some of the following topics and possible ways forward (solutions):

• 15 Minute cities and it's effect on OCP's

• Taxes and regulations and how these will impact your pocket book

• Home ownership and business restrictions

• Mobility rights/future restrictions

• United Nations Net Zero policies

• Energy Security

Presentations by Geri Pearson-Murray, Andrew Pearson, Sue Wali Cook & Suzanne Schiller

Listen - Get answers - Take Action

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