Comox Valley Town Hall excerpt - HPOA(Bill C-36)

Excerpt from a Town Hall Meeting in Courtenay BC discussing the various over-reaching Bills that are being pushed through BC Parliament without oversight or due process which will have serious impacts on your personal health and your inalienable rights. Speaker - Dr. Christoph Kind, ND

Full presentation can be viewed here:

As part of the BC Town Halls 2024 series, this non-partisan community based educational event was created and organized by citizens, just like you, who care about our communities in BC.

Comox Valley Town Hall excerpt - HPOA(Bill C-36)

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Excerpt from a Town Hall Meeting in Courtenay BC discussing the various over-reaching Bills that are being pushed through BC Parliament without oversight or due process which will have serious impacts on your personal health and your inalienable rights. Speaker - Dr. Christoph Kind, ND

Full presentation can be viewed here:

As part of the BC Town Halls 2024 series, this non-partisan community based educational event was created and organized by citizens, just like you, who care about our communities in BC.

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